tcomb-form-native copied to clipboard
keyboard hides the textInput field
I am running sample example using this module. My question is i am focusing on input field..... keyboard is displaying but textInput field is hiding. This problem comes only for android. Please give any suggestions. Thank you in advance.
here is my code:
initFormValues = () => {
const Email = Tcomb.refinement(Tcomb.String, s => Validator.checkEmail(s) === undefined)
Email.getValidationErrorMessage = s => Validator.checkEmail(s)
const Phone = Tcomb.refinement(Tcomb.String, s => Validator.checkPhone(s) === undefined)
Phone.getValidationErrorMessage = s => Validator.checkPhone(s)
this.Customer = Tcomb.struct({
first_name: Tcomb.String,
last_name: Tcomb.String,
address_1: Tcomb.String,
suburb: Tcomb.String,
country: Tcomb.String,
state: Tcomb.String,
postcode: Tcomb.String,
email: Email,
phone: Phone,
note: Tcomb.maybe(Tcomb.String) //maybe = optional
this.options = {
auto: 'none',
fields: {
first_name: {
label: Languages.FirstName,
placeholder: Languages.TypeFirstName,
error: Languages.EmptyError, //for simple empty error warning.
underlineColorAndroid: 'transparent',
stylesheet: labelStyle
last_name: {
label: Languages.LastName,
placeholder: Languages.TypeLastName,
error: Languages.EmptyError,
underlineColorAndroid: 'transparent',
stylesheet: labelStyle
address_1: {
label: Languages.Address,
placeholder: Languages.TypeAddress,
error: Languages.EmptyError,
underlineColorAndroid: 'transparent',
stylesheet: labelStyle
city: {
label: Languages.City,
placeholder: Languages.TypeCity,
error: Languages.EmptyError,
editable: false,
underlineColorAndroid: 'transparent',
stylesheet: labelStyle
state: {
label: Languages.State,
placeholder: Languages.TypeState,
editable: false,
error: Languages.EmptyError,
underlineColorAndroid: 'transparent',
stylesheet: labelStyle
postcode: {
label: Languages.Postcode,
placeholder: Languages.TypePostcode,
error: Languages.EmptyError,
underlineColorAndroid: 'transparent',
stylesheet: labelStyle
country: {
label: Languages.TypeCountry,
nullOption: { value: '', text: Languages.Country },
editable: false,
error: Languages.NotSelectedError,
styles: {
borderColor: 'black',
borderWidth: 1
stylesheet: labelStyle,
underlineColorAndroid: 'transparent'
email: {
label: Languages.Email,
placeholder: Languages.TypeEmail,
keyboardType: 'email-address',
underlineColorAndroid: 'transparent',
stylesheet: labelStyle
phone: {
label: Languages.Phone,
placeholder: Languages.TypePhone,
keyboardType: 'phone-pad',
underlineColorAndroid: 'transparent',
stylesheet: labelStyle,
returnKeyType: 'next'
note: {
label: Languages.Note,
placeholder: Languages.TypeNote,
underlineColorAndroid: 'transparent',
multiline: true,
onFocus: () => this.inputFocused(),
stylesheet: customStyle
suburb: {
label: Languages.Suburb,
placeholder: Languages.TypeSuburb,
underlineColorAndroid: 'transparent',
stylesheet: labelStyle
inputFocused() {
this.refs.scrollView.scrollTo({ y: windowSize.height })
<View style={{flex:1}}>
<ScrollView style={styles.form} ref="scrollView">
<Form ref="form" type={this.Customer} options={this.options} value={this.state.value} onChange={this.onChange.bind(this)} />
</ScrollView >
Here is my screenshot:
I used the react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view library to circumvent this issue. Just import the library and replace your scrollview with the KeyboardAwareScrollView component. Make sure to give it a flexGrow style of 1.
I hope this helps!
react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view itself doesn't solve this issue If you are using expo :
For those this is what my solution would be it works and scrolls automatically on focus input. I tried this on expo hope this helps.
<KeyboardAvoidingView style={{ flex: 1, flexDirection: 'column',justifyContent: 'center',}} behavior="padding" enabled keyboardVerticalOffset={100}>
<View style={Styles.row}>
//your view
@abhiburk your solution worked for me
@abhiburk you just saved my life man. Thanks a lot.
@abhiburk your solution works for me. Thanks Alot man!
worked for me
@abhiburk Thanks a lot man.
@abhiburk can you share Styles.row please?
@ChindrisSebilix Styles.row can be anything you define
for example
const styles = StyleSheet.create({ row: { flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'flex-start', backgroundColor: '#fff', justifyContent: 'center', }, });
depending on what you want..