tcomb-form-native copied to clipboard
Is it possible to wrap it with simple typings for TypeScript?
Trying to use tcomb-form-native with typescript.
import * as t from 'tcomb-form-native';
let Form = t.form.Form;
Error:(3, 20) TS2656: Exported external package typings file '.../node_modules/tcomb-form-native/index.d.ts' is not a module. Please contact the package author to update the package definition.
Error:(17, 14) TS2339: Property 'form' does not exist on type 'typeof 'tcomb-form-native''.
Please suggest simple index.d.ts. Somehow wrap all in "any"? My newbie attempts didn't help:
declare module 'tcomb-form-native' {
import * as React from 'react';
class Form extends React.Component<any, any> {
let t: any;
// if the module has a default export
export default t; // where t is the actual default export
/* Definistions from tcomb lib */
type Predicate<T> = (x: T) => boolean;
type TypeGuardPredicate<T> = (x: any) => x is T;
interface Type<T> extends Function {
No success even with this article:
Sorry, I don't have any experience with TypeScript
I did it with "any". Will put it here later.
Here is tcomb-form-native.d.ts
It is just cheating TS compiler...
import TCombFormNative = TComb;
declare namespace TComb {
import React = __React;
export interface FormComponentClass {
Form: React.ComponentClass<any>;
export interface tcomb {
form: FormComponentClass;
declare var t: TCombFormNative.tcomb;
declare module 'tcomb-form-native' {
import TCombFormNative = TComb;
//export = TCombFormNative;
export = t;
Put it into:
then install with typings by command:
typings install --save --global file:.\typings_local\tcomb-form-native.d.ts
Using it with
import * as t from 'tcomb-form-native';
let Form = t.form.Form;
let Person = t.struct({
username: t.Str,
password: t.Str
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.row}>
ref={(form: any) => this.ctrls.form = form}
@alexicum I got error
Error:(18, 16) TS2665: Invalid module name in augmentation.
Module 'tcomb-form-native' resolves to an untyped module at
which cannot be augmented.
when I put your types file in the root of my project... I don't use typings, could you tell me how can I get advantage of your work?
The typing above is incorrect and throws the augmentation error. Correct typing is here:
declare module "tcomb-form-native" {
export = {
enums: any,
form: any,
maybe: any,
refinement: any,
struct: any,
Boolean: any,
Date: any,
Number: any,
String: any
export interface FormRef {}
export type FormRef = (ref: any) => any;
export type OnFormChanged = (raw: any, path: Array<string | number>) => void;
Can we integrate this into the library? Most people are using typescript these days and not having typings for this is a big inhibiter in usage. Thanks in advance.