
Results 68 comments of gc-ss

@oremanj shared some more thoughts here: https://gitter.im/python-trio/general?at=609bea20012fc62dd5b44c97

@rrva are you still interested in this and/or willing to test an implementation?

One potential fix, if this is not currently supported: Instead of the current definition block: ``` backend "consul" { … } ``` add/allow a new definition block that allows a...

Remi - appreciate you looking into this. > I will look into a way to add more information to this message without breaking backward compatibility Thank You - however, I...

@nicholasjackson isn't this done (I am assuming this is the `Terminal` feature)

@Ishan27g yes, currently open and would love to see your contributions. That said, have you looked into the blueprints @nicholasjackson has written that show how to put OpenTelemetry to use?...

I see some parallels with the usecases described in: https://discord.com/channels/771742803196772402/771742803196772405/861695860127957022 https://discord.com/channels/771742803196772402/771742803196772405/861695889889558588

@nicholasjackson This (`local_service`) feature would be very powerful. Just this functionality would be enough to sell shipyard to devs. I need some help imagining how this would work. Would this...

> I use this feature for developing the new SMI Controller SDK. Ah, did you mean the ability to expose a port through the connector? Agreed, that's pretty useful by...

> Since we wrote that RFC, Telepresence has been updated, and rather than duplicate the functionality that it provides I would rather folks just use that AH - I am...