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A simple compile-time dependency injection library for Dart and Flutter
The upgrade doesn't seem to break anything (in my limited testing).
#### CHANGES: - Updated `kiwi` to support analyzer 4.0.0
Hi, I am proposing this PR to add the only feature I am missing from Kiwi. It is the need to create a scoped container, but one that reuses all...
[√] Flutter (Channel stable, 2.5.0, on Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17763.1577], locale en-IN) • Flutter version 2.5.0 at C:\Flutter_SDK\flutter • Upstream repository • Framework revision 4cc385b4b8 (7 months ago), 2021-09-07...
Consider the following code: ```dart @Register.singleton(DeepLinkViewModel, from: MockDeepLinkViewModel) void registerViewModelFactories(); ``` In this case `MockDeepLinkViewModel` is generated by mockito using `@GenerateMocks`. This results in the following generated kiwi code: ```dart...
``` Failed to resolve `IOSOptions`: The type `IOSOptions` was not registered Make sure `IOSOptions` is added to your KiwiContainer and rerun build_runner build (If you are using the kiwi_generator) When...
In your example you are creating a scoped container inside the screen itself, which makes such scoped DI worthless. Can I somehow use scoped container to make the same logic...
Hi, Thank you for the library. I am currently using the generator to manage dependencies and I would like to know how to inject implementations for base class in the...
The current documentation for the generator package leads to errors when installing the packages. This PR updates the Readme to reference build_runner 2 which installs just fine.
I am using ``` build_runner: ^2.4.7 kiwi_generator: ^4.1.0 ``` and do run `flutter packages pub run build_runner build` My `/lib/di/core/injector.dart` is ``` import 'package:dl_mobile_flutter/app/app_config.dart'; import 'package:kiwi/kiwi.dart'; part 'injector.g.dart'; const keyApiUrl...