letsencrypt-erlang copied to clipboard
Let's Encrypt client library for Erlang
Let's Encrypt client library for Erlang
- [x] ACME v2
- [ ] registering client (with email)
- [x] issuing RSA certificate
- [ ] revoking certificate
- [~] SAN certificate (supplementary domain names)
- [ ] allow EC keys
- [ ] choose RSA key length
- [x] unittests
- [x] hex package
- [x] webroot
- [x] slave
- [x] standalone (with http server)
Validation challenges
- [x] http-01 (http)
- [ ] dns-01
- [ ] proof-of-possession-01
- openssl >= 1.1.1 (required to generate RSA key and certificate request)
- erlang OTP (tested with 22.2 version, probably works with older versions as well)
$> ./rebar3 update
$> ./rebar3 compile
You must execute this example on the server targeted by mydomain.tld.
Port 80 (http) must be opened and a webserver listening on it (line 1) and serving /path/to/webroot/
Both /path/to/webroot and /path/to/certs MUST be writtable by the erlang process
$> $(cd /path/to/webroot && python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80)&
$> ./rebar3 shell
$erl> application:ensure_all_started(letsencrypt).
$erl> letsencrypt:start([{mode,webroot},{webroot_path,"/path/to/webroot"},{cert_path,"/path/to/certs"}]).
$erl> letsencrypt:make_cert(<<"mydomain.tld">>, #{async => false}).
{ok, #{cert => <<"/path/to/certs/mydomain.tld.crt">>, key => <<"/path/to/certs/mydomain.tld.key">>}}
$erl> ^C
$> ls -1 /path/to/certs
During the certification process, letsencrypt server returns a challenge and then tries to query the challenge file from the domain name asked to be certified. So letsencrypt-erlang is writing challenge file under /path/to/webroot directory. Finally, keys and certificates are written in /path/to/certs directory.
bin/eletsencrypt escript allows certificates management without any lines of Erlang. Configuration is defined in etc/eletsencrypt.yml
- -h|--help: show help
-l|--list: list certificates informations
- -s|--short: along with -l, display informations in short form
- -r|--renew: renew expired certificates
- -f|--force: along with -r, force certificates renewal even if not expired
- -c|--config CONFIG-FILE: use CONFIG-FILE configuration instead of default one
Optionally, you can provide the domain you want to apply options as parameter
NOTE: if optional is not written, parameter is required
letsencrypt:start(Params) :: starts letsencrypt client process: Params is a list of parameters, choose from the followings:
- staging (optional): use staging API (generating fake certificates - default behavior is to use real API)
- {mode, Mode}: choose running mode, where Mode is one of webroot, slave or standalone
- {cert_path, Path}: pinpoint path to store generated certificates. Must be writable by erlang process
- {http_timeout, Timeout} (integer, optional, default to 30000): http queries timeout (in milliseconds)
- {connect_timeout, Timeout} is deprecated, replaced by http_timeout
Mode-specific parameters:
webroot mode:
- {webroot_path, Path}: pinpoint path to store challenge thumbprints. Must be writable by erlang process, and available through your webserver as root path
standalone mode:
- {port, Port} (optional, default to 80): tcp port to listen for http query for challenge validation
- {ok, Pid} with Pid the server process pid
letsencrypt:make_cert(Domain, Opts) :: generate a new certificate for the considered domain name:
- Domain: domain name (string or binary)
Opts: options map
- async = true|false (optional, true by default):
- callback (optional, used only when async=true): function called once certificate has been generated.
- san (list(binary), optional): supplementary domain names added to the certificate. san is not available currently, will be reimplemented soon.
- challenge (optional): 'http-01' (default)
- in asynchronous mode, function returns async
- in synchronous mode, or as asynchronous callback function parameter:
- {ok, #{cert => <<"/path/to/cert">>, key => <<"/path/to/key">>}} on success
- {error, Message} on error
- sync mode (shell is locked several seconds waiting result)
> letsencrypt:make_cert(<<"mydomain.tld">>, #{async => false}). {ok, #{cert => <<"/path/to/cert">>, key => <<"/path/to/key">>}} > % domain tld is incorrect > letsencrypt:make_cert(<<"invalid.tld">>, #{async => false}). {error, <<"Error creating new authz :: Name does not end in a public suffix">>} > % domain web server does not return challenge file (ie 404 error) > letsencrypt:make_cert(<<"example.com">>, #{async => false}). {error, <<"Invalid response from http://example.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/Bt"...>>} > % returned challenge is wrong > letsencrypt:make_cert(<<"example.com">>, #{async => false}). {error,<<"Error parsing key authorization file: Invalid key authorization: 1 parts">>} or {error,<<"Error parsing key authorization file: Invalid key authorization: malformed token">>} or {error,<<"The key authorization file from the server did not match this challenge"...>>>}
- async mode ('async' is written immediately)
> F = fun({Status, Result}) -> io:format("completed: ~p (result= ~p)~n") end. > letsencrypt:make_cert(<<"example.com">>, #{async => true, callback => F}). async > ... completed: ok (result= #{cert => <<"/path/to/cert">>, key => <<"/path/to/key">>})
- SAN (not available currently)
> letsencrypt:make_cert(<<"example.com">>, #{async => false, san => [<<"www.example.com">>]}). {ok, #{cert => <<"/path/to/cert">>, key => <<"/path/to/key">>}}
- explicit 'http-01' challenge
> letsencrypt:make_cert(<<"example.com">>, #{async => false, challenge => 'http-01'}). {ok, #{cert => <<"/path/to/cert">>, key => <<"/path/to/key">>}}
Action modes
When you're running a webserver (ie apache or nginx) listening on public http port.
on_complete({State, Data}) ->
io:format("letsencrypt certicate issued: ~p (data: ~p)~n", [State, Data]),
case State of
ok ->
io:format("reloading nginx...~n"),
os:cmd("sudo systemctl reload nginx");
_ -> pass
main() ->
letsencrypt:start([{mode,webroot}, staging, {cert_path,"/path/to/certs"}, {webroot_path, "/var/www/html"]),
letsencrypt:make_cert(<<"mydomain.tld">>, #{callback => fun on_complete/1}),
When your erlang application is already running an erlang http server, listening on public http port (ie cowboy).
on_complete({State, Data}) ->
io:format("letsencrypt certificate issued: ~p (data: ~p)~n", [State, Data]).
main() ->
Dispatch = cowboy_router:compile([
{'_', [
{<<"/.well-known/acme-challenge/:token">>, my_letsencrypt_cowboy_handler, []}
{ok, _} = cowboy:start_http(my_http_listener, 1, [{port, 80}],
[{env, [{dispatch, Dispatch}]}]
letsencrypt:start([{mode,slave}, staging, {cert_path,"/path/to/certs"}]),
letsencrypt:make_cert(<<"mydomain.tld">>, #{callback => fun on_complete/1}),
my_letsencrypt_cowboy_handler.erl contains the code to returns letsencrypt thumbprint matching received token
-export([init/3, handle/2, terminate/3]).
init(_, Req, []) ->
{Host,_} = cowboy_req:host(Req),
% - cowboy_req:binding() returns undefined is token not set in URI
% - letsencrypt:get_challenge() returns 'error' if token+thumbprint are not available
Thumbprints = letsencrypt:get_challenge(),
{Token,_} = cowboy_req:binding(token, Req),
{ok, Req2} = case maps:get(Token, Thumprints, undefined) of
Thumbprint ->
cowboy_req:reply(200, [{<<"content-type">>, <<"text/plain">>}], Thumbprint, Req);
_X ->
cowboy_req:reply(404, Req)
{ok, Req2, no_state}.
handle(Req, State) ->
{ok, Req, State}.
terminate(Reason, Req, State) ->
When you have no live http server running on your server.
letsencrypt-erlang will start its own webserver just enough time to validate the challenge, then will stop it immediately after that.
on_complete({State, Data}) ->
io:format("letsencrypt certificate issued: ~p (data: ~p)~n", [State, Data]).
main() ->
letsencrypt:start([{mode,standalone}, staging, {cert_path,"/path/to/certs"}, {port, 80)]),
letsencrypt:make_cert(<<"mydomain.tld">>, #{callback => fun on_complete/1}),
letsencrypt-erlang is distributed under APACHE 2.0 license.