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The repo backing the website.


This repo contains the source code which is used to build the blog at

The static site generator Hugo is used to build the website from the files in this repo. Netlify is used to deploy and host the website.

Netlify Status


  1. The recommended code editor is Visual Studio Code.

  2. Follow the instructions here to install Hugo (using chocolatey to install is recommended when running Windows). Make sure to install the extended version, as we need to compile .scss files into .css.

  3. To start a development server that will watch for file changes (w), build drafts (D) and build future content (F). Since this is a large site, we'll also use --renderToDisk otherwise it can take up 6GB of memory!!! Also add in --navigateToChanged so that when you save a source file, the server will automatically redirect the browser to the changed page:

    $ hugo server -wDF --renderToDisk --navigateToChanged
  4. Development server should now be live at localhost:1313.

Sometimes hugo gets out of sync with the latest file changes. If this happens, you can force hugo to rebuild everything when detecting a file change (warning: this slows down build times):

$ hugo server -wDF --disableFastRender --renderToDisk

There are test pages filled with different shortcode and style tests.

  • Markdown: /posts/tests/markdown


pagefind is used to create a static search for the blog. This is run AFTER the hugo build step on Netlify during the deployment process. If developing locally, this is not run by default. If you want the search to work when running locally, make sure you have npx installed (as of Feb 2024 it is bundled with npm) and then run:

npx -y [email protected] --site public

This command takes some time to run (a few mins on my laptop). You generally do not need to re-run it the next time you set up a dev server, unless you want content you've added since the last time you ran it to appear in the search.

Running pagefind locally relied on the hugo dev server being started in --renderToDisk mode (which is recommended) because it can't scan files in memory!

Python Environment

Python is used to run scripts inside of the scripts/ directory. They are primarily used for doing bulk edits of content that would take too long to do manually.

python -m venv .venv
./.venv/scripts/activate # Windows
pip install -r scripts/requirements.txt

scripts/util is automatically added to the PYTHONPATH by .vscode/settings.json if running the Python scripts from inside Visual Studio Code.

To Build

To build site and place files in public directory:

$ hugo

This is not normally run on a development machine, but rather only run as part of the deployment process on Netlify.

Directory Structure

Below is an explanation of the directory structure used for this site:

|-- .vscode/
|  |--settings.json -> Contains the word dictionary for VS Code (under "cSpell.words")
|-- assets/
|  |-- main.scss -> Main stylesheet. This requires `hugo-extended` to compile.
|-- content/ -> Markdown files which contain the content which creates the sites pages and posts.
|  |-- example-page-1/
|     |-- _assets/ -> All images, Python scripts used to generate images, Affinity Designer/Photo files 
|     |               used to generate images and any other files used to create content for the page go in this `_assets/`
|     |               directory.
|     |-- example-nested-page-1/ -> Content pages can be nested to arbitrary depths depending on the
|     |                             desired hierarchy. This folder contains the same info as `example-page-1/`. 
|     |-- -> The markdown file containing the textual content for the page.
|-- layouts/
|  |-- shortcodes -> Hugo shortcodes.
|  |-- calculators -> Contains the HTML/CSS/jQuery based interactive calculators 
|                     which are embedded into certain pages (deprecated, these are now part of NinjaCalc)
|-- old/ -> Deprecated content which is kept around just in case I need it again.
|-- requirements/ -> Contains a requirements.txt used to create a Python virtual environment
|                    for running the various Python scripts in this repo.
|-- scripts/ -> Useful Python scripts to automate some laborious tasks.
|-- templates/ -> Contains Affinity Designer diagram template, various Python script templates and a Markdown page template.

NOTE: Placing all the

Recommended VS Code Plugins

  • Code Spell Checker: Prevents spelling mistakes. Additional dictionary definitions are included in .vscode/settings.json under "cSpell.words". Make sure to add new words to the "workspace directory" so they get added to this file.
  • Vim: If you're a vim fan!
  • EditorConfig for VS Code: Promotes consistent coding styles, incl. indentation rules. Reads rules from .editorconfig in this repo's root directory.
  • AsciiDoc: For syntax highlighting of AsciiDoc pages (with the .adoc extension). Don't rely on it for rendering, use the browser with hugo and live file watching for that.

Markdown Extensions

The syntax <> can be used (instead of []( to include a link in where the displayed text is the same as the href.


Diagrams are drawn in Affinity Designer.

Diagrams used to be drawn in LibreOffice Draw and then exported to .svg to display on a page. The Draw file (.odg) is usually located in the same content directory as the page the diagram is shown on.


Photos are edited in Affinity Photo.


The code to generate blog statistics (e.g. number of visitors, increases since last year) is all contained in the separate repo (it needs to be separate because when it runs, it checks out specific commits of this repo).

Link Checking

I have found Broken Link Checker to be the best tool to check links. See the Broken Link Checker section below.


lychee did not work so well since it's not that reliable to check the markdown file links, and it doesn't support recursive checking over HTML.

Broken Link Checker (blc)

broken-link-checker is the recommended way. Run this locally once you have a hugo develop server up and running:

blc -rofe http://localhost:1313/ --requests 10

# Exclude tags can categories pages
blc -rofe http://localhost:1313/ --requests 10 --exclude */tags/* --exclude */categories/*

WARNING: Increasing the concurrency from 10 to 50 actually slows it down, because it overloads the development server.


linkcheck runs out of memory.

Page Sizes

The below image shows a screenshot of Chrome dev tools analysing the Resistors page size as of Feb 2024.

As highlighted, 3.9MB of data was transferred from the domain (a filter is set up to exclude third-party downloads). Netlify reports that is using approx. 50GB of it's 100GB limit per month.


Google Analytics was used for many years (now GA4), but ad blockers also block the GA tracking script.

On 2024-03-22, I created a AWS Lightsail instance than runs Umami, a basic, open-source and free to use (if self-hosted) analytics engine.

I largely followed the tutorial at

Umami can be started by running:

cd /opt/umami
docker-compose up -d

This will start Umami, which listens on (localhost only). An nginx server is placed in front of the Umami server to add SSL/https functionality. The SSL certificate is provided using certbot and Let's Encrypt. nginx is exposed to the public and reverse proxies the traffic to Umami.

There is a DNS A record for which points to the AWS Lightsail instance. This might need to be converted into a AAAA and IPv6 record in the future (to reduce running costs?).

The "SSL/TLS encryption mode" in Cloudflare has to be changed from the default of "Flexible" to "Full (strict)" for https to Umami to work correctly: