Tomasz Kwiatkowski
Tomasz Kwiatkowski
Rookie mistake - I thought I've checked all deps. Clearly not ;) Thanks that works @IanVS however I keep fighting with issue for a long while - when building storybook,...
Well, same here. I got all isTesting false, proper config and prepare. did release and signed the app. The only thing I am missing is, it's not on play store....
I am just setting up new turborepo and almost everything works except that. Before I bundled projects to turborepo I was using postcss in watchmode alongside dev server, for live...
I kind of made it work. But do I understand why ? no ... There is something I don't understand about ES6 - esm. I was requiring my express app...
Was just looking for solution as it gets annoying. it only happens on ESM import error to me.
> What's funny is that this lib's developer experience (with the error wall) is still preferable to node's --experimental-modules Well.. I've just moved out of esm to --experimental-modules because of...
I've used concurrently package after all
nodejs has native `promistify` , probably best to use that ```javascript const util = require('util'); const capture = util.promisify(NodeWebcam.capture); async function cap() { const data = await capture('pic', cameraSettings)...