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Orcid integration and contact "store"
When adding contacts for a new resource, it would be nice if you could just add the ORCID instead of retyping all contact coordinates. #nicetohave
Fully support alternative to enter the corresponding ORCID --instead-- of typing in contact coordinates.
And also great if we could simply add contact people AND contact institutions to one common list for all datasets - and for each dataset simply select the relevant person or institution.
And even better if these contact entities and contact coordinates where synchronized to the new GrSciColl/GrBio under development at the GBIF portal. Maybe also possible with integration against WikiData, etc...?
And also great if we ourselves could login to different IPT instances (that we are authorized to login to) using our ORCID!
#1563 same request if I see correctly
this might also be related #1166