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Python Algorithmic Trading Library

Results 11 pyalgotrade issues
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There is a small typo in pyalgotrade/broker/, pyalgotrade/stratanalyzer/ Should read `because` rather than `becuase`. Semi-automated pull request generated by

builds off of #107 by @flipdazed and suggestions by @gbeced - `barfeed.listfeed` - list of dicts requiring standard column naming scheme - sequence items are passed through `csvfeed.GenericRowParser` - `barfeed.pandasfeed`...

This allows users to easily take advantage of arbitrary data structures as inputs if they are already loaded into memory e.g. for creating custom stressed scenarios # Example ``` import...

- Now you can define how the strategy results should be handled (instead of just choosing the best result), then both server and worker will use that definition to handle...

Reify the OrderBook and make Bitstamp use it. Once this is merged I'll also submit a Coinbase client, with other possibilities in the future.

I translated some documents to simplified Chinese, no code and original docs modified.

update plotter to leave out days/minites on which there is no data such as weekends, time between 4:00pm to next day's 9:30am for stock market, for more information, please refer...