spis icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
spis copied to clipboard

Simple private image server 🖼️


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This project is called "Simple Private Image Server" or SPIS for short. It's purpose is to be a lightweight and fast server to display media hosted on a private server. This project came about when I was searching for a solution like this and found nothing. Everything seemed way too feature heavy and slow, requiring you to setup databases and other unnecessary components.

The goals for this project are:

  • Simple to setup 🏝️
  • Flexible to operate ➰
  • Lightweight, multi-threaded and fast 🚀
  • Minimalistic GUI 🤩
  • Easy to use on mobile 📱

Some features worth mentioning:

  • Endless scrolling 📜
  • Mark favorites ❤️
  • Filter by year, month, favorites 🎚️
  • Instantly load new files 📨
  • Is a progressive web app 📲

I personally use this project to host around 40.000 images on a Raspberry Pi CM4 🤯

If this project is just what you needed and/or has been helpful to you, please consider buying me a coffee ☕

"Buy Me A Coffee"

Table of contents

  • Screenshots
  • Setup
    • Configuration
    • Docker
    • Binary
      • Why do we need a webserver
      • Diagram
      • So how do I set this up?
      • Debian + Systemd + Nginx
  • Progressive Web App
  • Release notes
  • Development
    • Setup dependencies
    • Install pre-commit hooks
    • Get some test media
    • Running


This is how the GUI looks on mobile!



Everything is configured via environmental variables:

Variable Name Required Default Description
SPIS_MEDIA_DIR Yes What directory SPIS will look for media
SPIS_DATA_DIR Yes What directory SPIS will store its data (database and thumbnails)
SPIS_PROCESSING_SCHEDULE No 0 0 2 * * * When should SPIS scan for new media (default is every night at 2)
SPIS_PROCESSING_RUN_ON_START No false Should SPIS scan for media on startup
SPIS_API_MEDIA_PATH No /assets/media On what path will the webserver (nginx) serve media files *
SPIS_API_THUMBNAIL_PATH No /assets/thumbnails On what path will the webserver (nginx) serve thumbnails *
SPIS_SERVER_SOCKET No /var/run/spis.sock Path of the socket SPIS will listen to **
SPIS_SERVER_ADDRESS No Address SPIS will listen to rather than socket, i.e. **
RUST_LOG No Loglevels of the application, i.e. error,spis=info

* These are the paths that the webserver (nginx) serves media and thumbnails on. For a details on how this works, look at the diagram.

** You cannot make SPIS listen to both a socket and an address. So by setting SPIS_SERVER_ADDRESS you will disable SPIS_SERVER_SOCKET.


Easiest way to run SPIS is with the docker image:

$ docker run -it \
    -p 8080:8080 \
    -v /path/to/your/media:/var/lib/spis/media \
    -v /path/to/save/data:/var/lib/spis/data \

or using docker compose:

    image: ghcr.io/gbbirkisson/spis
      - "8080:8080"
      # This assumes you want to keep the SPIS data in a
      # docker volume and not in some directory
      - data:/var/lib/spis/data
      - ./path/to/your/media:/var/lib/spis/media

[!TIP] Try running the docker compose example by running...

$ cd examples/docker
$ docker compose up

... and open up http://localhost:8080 in your browser.


If you want to run the binary, you will need to understand that SPIS needs a webserver to serve media.

Why do we need a webserver

Because, serving images and videos is complicated! It involves caching, compressing, streaming and a host of other problems that SPIS does not need to know about. Some people that are way smarter than me have found a solution for all these problems. So instead of implementing a bad solution in SPIS, we stand on the shoulders of others and use a tried and tested webserver to handle this complexity for us.


So how do these things tie together. Well here is a simplified diagram of what happens when you open up SPIS in the browser.

[!NOTE] Never during the interaction does SPIS read images of the file system and serve them.

    participant U as Browser
    participant W as Webserver
    participant S as SPIS
    participant F as File System
    Note over U: User opens webpage in browser
    U ->> W: GET /
    W ->> S: GET /
    S ->> W: Returns page
    W ->> U: Returns page
    Note over U: Browser fetches thumbnails
    U ->> W: GET <SPIS_API_THUMBNAIL_PATH>/thumb.webp<br/>i.e.<br/>GET /assets/thumbnails/thumb.webp
    W -->> F: Reads <SPIS_DATA_DIR>/thumbnails/thumb.webp<br/>i.e.<br/>Reads /data/thumbnails/thumb.webp
    W ->> U: Returns thumb.webp
    Note over U: Browser fetches video
    U ->> W: GET <SPIS_API_MEDIA_PATH>/video.mp4<br/>i.e.<br/>GET /assets/media/video.mp4
    W -->> F: Reads <SPIS_MEDIA_DIR>/video.mp4<br/>i.e.<br/>Reads /media/video.mp4
    W ->> U: Streams video.mp4

So how do I set this up?

Well these are the steps:

  1. Download a binary for your architecture and put in your path
  2. Install a webserver
  3. For video support make sure ffmpeg and ffprobe are in your path.
  4. Configure SPIS and run....we will get back to this
  5. Configure webserver and run....we will get back to this

Now, steps 4-5 are super unhelpful (a bit like instructions on how to draw an owl). This is because SPIS is flexible, and does not care how you do this. You can use any combination of webserver + supervisor to get this up and running. So covering every single way to set this up is not feasible.

So I'm just going to describe how to do this with systemd and nginx on a debian system.

Debian + Systemd + Nginx

  1. Download a binary for your architecture and save it as /usr/local/bin/spis. Make sure it is executable (chmod +x /usr/local/bin/spis)
  2. Install nginx: sudo apt install nginx
  3. Add video support: apt install ffmpeg
  4. Configure SPIS and run:
    1. Create these folders and make sure user www-data owns them:
      • /storage/spis/data
      • /storage/spis/media
    2. Create the file /etc/systemd/system/spis.service
    3. Set the contents of the file to be the same as the spis.service example.
    4. Enable and start SPIS: systemctl enable --now spis
  5. Configure nginx and run:
    1. Create the file /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
    2. Set the contents of the file to be the same as the nginx.conf example.
    3. Enable and start nginx: systemctl enable --now nginx

Now SPIS will process and serve any image/video that you place in /storage/spis/media. Just make sure the files are owned by the www-data user.

Open up SPIS on http://yourserver:8080

Progressive Web App

You can add SPIS as a PWA to your desktop or mobile. Open up the SPIS home page in a browser on the device, open the top-right menu, and select Add to Home screen, Install or something to that extent.

Release notes

This project uses release-please and because of how it is set up, there are separate release notes for each component of SPIS. Therefore the easiest way to read all the release notes in one place is to look at the relevant PR for each release. I know its a bit tedious to find the right PR, sorry about that.


I use mise to manage local building and testing. I also use direnv to setup the development environment.

Setup dependencies

$ mise run setup

Install pre-commit hooks

$ pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg

Get some test media

I leave it up do you to put some images/videos in the ./data/media folder.


Run stack with:

$ mise run dev

And then open http://localhost:8080 in your browser