Guy Langford-Lee
Guy Langford-Lee
hey there i have got root shell, bussybox with root access and when i am in the shell and try to run the script i get a error saying "adb...
### Features and Changes - Closes **(add link to issue here)** ### Dependencies ### Testing ### Screenshots
### Features and Changes - Closes **(add link to issue here)** ### Dependencies ### Testing ### Screenshots
### Features and Changes updated the version of next to 14 so that we are able to support tailwind and more modern next features
### Features and Changes - Closes **(add link to issue here)** ### Dependencies ### Testing ### Screenshots
### Features and Changes - Closes **(add link to issue here)** ### Dependencies ### Testing ### Screenshots
leaving this in draft as i need to still go though and clean up a bit and write a readme/docs for them
### Features and Changes - Closes **(add link to issue here)** ### Dependencies ### Testing ### Screenshots
### Features and Changes the API response for features was hardcoding the user and the comment to an empty string. this PR fetches the feature revision based on the version...
### Features and Changes THIS NEEDS TO BE DEPLOYED AFTER CHANGES ARE PUSHED TO AUTH0 we know that users are agreeing to terms on auth0 since we require it so...