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A Ruby Web UI to manage databases. Support PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, MS-SQL, etc.
Ruby Database Admin
A gem based on Sinatra and Sequel. You can use it to manage multiple databases at the same time.
For Rails user, this gem will treat ./config/database.yml
as database configuration file.
Here are some demo pictures.
gem install db_admin
If you prefer to use it in Gemfile
group :development do
# A Web UI for database admin. Run `$ db_admin` and then
# visit http://localhost:4567
gem 'db_admin', require: false # You needn't to require the code.
Make sure you have installed database driver gem.
E.g: gem install pg
, gem install sqlite3
or gem install mysql2
, etc. Then
$ db_admin # Run this command to start a Sinatra Web.
Visit http://localhost:4567
Connect to database
There are two ways for you to connect to a database.
Visit http://localhost:4567 . The homepage will ask you to connect to a database. Please look at the demo picture above.
touch ./config/database.yml
ortouch ./database.yml
You can use Rails's database.yml
file directly.
In database.yml
, 'Omit the key' or 'keep the value blank' means use the default value.
# 'database.yml' for Rails style example 1. We only connect to the 'development' database!
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
host: localhost
database: something_development
username: username
port: 5432
# 'database.yml' for Rails style example 2. Inherited style is also supported.
default: &default
adapter: postgresql
# Below omitted ...
<<: *default
database: something_development
# Below omitted ...
# 'database.yml' for none-Rails style example.
adapter: postgres
encoding: unicode
host: localhost
database: your_database_name
user: username
port: 5432
If you want to change some code for your own purpose, please
$ git clone [email protected]:gazeldx/db_admin.git
$ cd db_admin
$ ruby lib/db_admin/run_web.rb # Then visit http://localhost:4567
You need to restart Web when you made a change.
Uncomment the below line in ./lib/db_admin.rb
to auto-reload changed files.
require 'sinatra/reloader' if development? # `$ gem install sinatra-reloader` first.