dataset_agnostic_segmentation icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
dataset_agnostic_segmentation copied to clipboard

TensorFlow implementation of a segmentation system for document images.

Dataset Agnostic Word Segmentation

TensorFlow implementation of Towards A Dataset Agnostic Word Segmentation



python --name train_example --train-hmap --train-regression --iters 100000 --dataset iamdb  --data_type train --gpu_id 0


python --name train_example --eval-run --iters 500 --dataset iamdb  --data_type val1 --gpu_id 0

Expected output

Sample of Bentham (iclef) Document Sample of Bentham (iclef) Document heatmap
Original Document (Bentham) Heatmap (Bentham)


  • Python 2.7
  • TensorFlow 1.3
  • OpenCV
  • CUDA

Also see requirements.txt


Code is released under the MIT License (refer to the LICENSE file for details).


You can load several datasets automaticly by passing two commandline flags:

  1. dataset
  2. data_type
  3. data_type_prob

Possible values for the dataset flag are 'iamdb', 'iclef', 'botany', 'icdar' and 'from-pkl-folder' see below for further details. Available data_type values are 'train', 'val1', 'val2' and 'test' you can mix several data_types by passing a string where each type is separated by '#'. Multiple data types will be sampled uniformly unless you pass a string of probabilities to 'dtype_mix_prob' separated by '#' (NOTICE: string must be same length as data_type string)

For example:

python ... --dataset iamdb  --data_type #train#val1#val2 --data_type_prob #0.75#0.125#0.125

You can change the above by playing with the code in

Assumed directory structure for the available datasets

   └── datasets
       ├── icdar
       ├── iclef
       ├── iamdb
       ├── botany
       └── botany

You probably want to use a symlinks and not to keep the data in the repo directory

cd datasets
ln -s /path/to/icdar icdar


  • Available for download from here (You need the images and word ground truth data)

  • Open the rar files to the following directory structure:

      ├── gt_words_test
      ├── gt_words_train
      ├── images_test
      └── images_train
  • Commandline flags: dataset 'icdar' as value to dataset flag, available values for data_type are {train, val1, test}

  • Binary ground truth data converted to bounding box coordinates are available as a pkl from [here]

You can get dataset splits and cached Numpy arrays of bounding box data from here

IAM Database

  • Available for download from here (registration is required)

  • Make sure you have the following directory structure:

      ├── ascii
      ├── forms
      ├── lines
      ├── sentences
      ├── words
      └── xml
  • Commandline flags: dataset 'iamdb' as value to dataset flag, available values for data_type are {train, val1, val2, test}

You can get dataset splits from here

Bentham dataset (iclef)

  • Available for download from here

  • Make sure you have the following directory structure:

      ├── bboxs_train_for_query-by-example.txt
      ├── pages_devel_jpg
      ├── pages_devel_xml
      ├── pages_test_jpg
      ├── pages_test_xml
      ├── pages_train_jpg
      └── pages_train_xml
  • Commandline flags: dataset 'iamdb' as value to dataset flag, available values for data_type are {train, val1, val2, test}

You can get dataset splits from here


  • Available for download from here

  • Make sure you have the following directory structure:

     ├── Botany_Train_III_PageImages
     ├── Botany_Train_II_PageImages
     ├── Botany_Train_I_PageImages
     ├── Botany_Test_PageImages
     └── xml
         ├── Botany_Train_III_WL.xml
         ├── Botany_Train_II_WL.xml
         ├── Botany_Train_I_WL.xml
         └── Botany_Test_GT_SegFree_QbS.xml