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A lazy iterator for lazy programmers
A lazy iterator for lazy programmers with emphasis on clarity, and decent performance.
Pick Your Source
// {1}
lazy.FromFunc(func() (int, bool) {
return 1, false
// 1, 1, ...
lazy.Generate(func() int {
return 1
lazy.FromValues("a", "b") // {"a", "b"}
lazy.FromSlice([]string{"a", "b", "c"}) // {"a", "b", "c"}
lazy.To(10) // [0, 10)
lazy.From(5) // [5, inf)
lazy.From(1).To(3) // {1, 2}
lazy.From(0).To(10).By(50) // {0, 50}
Chain Operations
Chain operations pointer free, interface free and gluten free:
import ""
it := lazy.Generate(func() int {
return rand.Int() % 100
}).Filter(func(x int) bool {
return x%2 == 1
}).Map(func(v int) int {
return v * v
for v, ok := it.Next(); ok; v, ok = it.Next() {
// Output: 49 25 1 1 25 1 81 9 25 49
Current Operations:
- Filter
- Map
- Paginate
- Limit
- Discard
Iterate Easily
it = lazy.(...).Easy()
for it.Next() {
// it.Value()
Or, turn into a slice:
s := it.Limit(10).Slice()
fmt.Println(cap(s)) // A best effort is made to allocate the exact size: cap(s) = 10