pic_16F1619_projects copied to clipboard
Projects and libraries for the Microchip PIC 16F1619 Microcontroller ( 8-bit, 20-pin).
- Description:
A set of projects and libraries for a Microchip PIC 16F1619 Micro-controller 20-pin, 8-bit.
- Author: Gavin Lyons
- Toolchain: XC8 , MPLAB X IDE and MCC.
Project List
Number | Description | Link |
1 | 3 digit 7 segment timer alarm unit | URL |
2 | 3 digit 7 segment displaying LM35 sensor data | URL |
3 | 4 digit 7 segment displaying DHT11 sensor data | URL |
Library List
Number | Description | Link |
1 | 4 digit 7 segment 74HC595 based module | URL |
2 | 4 digit 7 segment TM1637 based module | URL |
3 | HD44780-based LCD , 4 bit mode, shift register, 3 GPIO | URL |
4 | HD44780-based LCD , 4 bit mode, 6 GPIO | URL |
5 | HD44780-based LCD , 8-bit mode , 11 GPIO | URL |
6 | HD44780-based LCD , I2C & PCF8574 interface, 2 GPIO | URL |
7 | SSD1306 OLED library, ASCII, text only | URL |
8 | Nokia 5110 LCD PCD8544 controller library, ASCII, text only | URL |