Hi, @mantriyogesh, How's the progress on the new version of the host? I can't wait to try the latest version.
Is your latest port based on the feature branch? If so, Please send me a patch file first.
@mantriyogesh ,Thank you! When I try to compile in STM32CubeIDE, I find that I cannot link the files under 'common' and 'hosted'. I noticed there is an issue with the...
Hi, @mantriyogesh Can you upload a complete project code or compressed file to GitHub? I've tried both methods, but neither has been successful. The first method requires too many modifications...
@mantriyogesh , A big Thanks! I have successfully compiled it! Thank you very much!
@mantriyogesh , After successfully compiling, I didn't test the code. There are too many files in this version, and according to your throughput tests, it doesn't seem ideal! I want...
Hi, @mantriyogesh , you can reference this [](url) , the WiFi chip function is similar with the ESP, But the way in this code is much easier to use.That's why...
@Evlers 你们使用蓝牙了嘛?不使用蓝牙的话,可以使用MXCHIP的EMW3080,比这个简单方便,用的是LWIP和FreeRTOS,就是WiFi端没有程序,只有bin文件,稳定性是没有问题的!
> 有些项目不需要蓝牙的。 这款模组用的什么芯片,单价多少呢,我们目前用英飞凌的方案也很稳定的,就是单价13含税有点贵了 庆科自研的芯片,出货量很大,稳定性问题不大,出了很多年了,不支持WPA3,你们目前使用的英飞凌的哪款芯片?带蓝牙吗?模组本身带flash吗?