nuxt-svg-sprite-module icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
nuxt-svg-sprite-module copied to clipboard

A quick and dirty way to inline svg sprites in your Nuxt app.


A quick and dirty way to inline svg sprites in your Nuxt app.


$ yarn add nuxt-svg-sprite-module

$ npm install nuxt-svg-sprite-module --save


In nuxt.config.js

modules: [
      directory: "~/assets/icons",
      // Optional template location: defaults to __dirname + /app.html
      templateLocation: "src/app.html",
      options: {
        // Configuration options:


This module finds svgs in your specified directory and inlines them in Nuxt's app template. You can pass svg-sprite options to be merged with the the default configuration options.

By default, icons are prefixed with the word icon.

  <use xlink:href="#icon-foo"></use>

In order to tell this module where to inline your sprite you need to include a comment within your app.html file. Idealy this comment would proceed the opening <body> tag. If an app.html file does not exist, one will be generated in its absence.

<!-- svg-sprite -->


Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue


Gaven Heim