gatsby-ja icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
gatsby-ja copied to clipboard

☂️ Japanese Translation Progress (Core / Docs / Tutorials)

Open gatsbybot opened this issue 4 years ago • 235 comments



  1. あなたが翻訳したいページについて、以下のチェックリストとコメント欄を見て、他の誰も翻訳することを宣言していないことを確認してください。
  2. この Issue に、翻訳したいページ名をコメントしてください。1 ページづつでお願いします
  3. gatsby-jaリポジトリを Clone して、該当するページを翻訳しましょう!
    1. 困ったら翻訳スタイルガイドに目を通してください。
    2. 翻訳した文章を音読してみましょう。明らかに不自然な表現を見つけやすくなります。
    3. 表現で迷ったら Discord で相談してみましょう!
  4. 翻訳と校正を終えたら、Pull Request を送りましょう!
    1. Allow edits from maintainerにチェックを入れるのを忘れずに。
    2. しばらく待ってもレビューが終わらなかったり、必要なレビュー数が足りない状態が続いた場合は、メンテナーの誰かに@を付けてメンションを飛ばしてください。

貢献する前に、Translation Guideを一読して、Gatsby の翻訳プロセスへの理解を深めてください。また、翻訳スタイルガイドにも目を通してください。


その他わからないことがあれば、Gatsby Discord#translation-ja チャンネルで質問してください!


  • @Naturalclar
  • @hirotaka
  • @uetchy


誰かがこの Issue に翻訳したいページをコメントしたら、その人の username をこの Issue の該当ページに追記してください。例:

- [ ] #1 Home Page (@gatsbybot)

以下の様なアイコンを入れると、状況が見やすいです。 :running_man: : In Progress

Pull Request が作られたら、#番号を追記してください。マージしたら、完了のチェックをつけましょう!

レビューは 2 approval 体制で行います。 レビュー数が足りない Issue を見つけたら、積極的にレビューを行ってください。

Core Pages(コアページ)

先に Core Pages の翻訳をお願いします。 Gatsby の公式ローカライゼーションとして承認されるには、これらのページの翻訳が必要となります。

Core Pages の翻訳は完了しました:tada:

Translated Core Pages


  • [x] #5 community/code-of-conduct (@Naturalclar)


  • [x] #6 tutorial/index (@hirotaka)
  • [x] #15 tutorial/part-zero (@hirotaka)
  • [x] #27 tutorial/part-one (@hirotaka)
  • [x] #46 tutorial/part-two (@hirotaka)
  • [x] #70 tutorial/part-three (@hirotaka)
  • [x] #110 tutorial/part-four (@yuuyu00)
  • [x] #81 tutorial/part-five (@mqtsuo02)
  • [x] #31 tutorial/part-six (@kakukakug)
  • [x] #85 tutorial/part-seven (@grgr-dkrk)
  • [x] #103 tutorial/part-eight (@yukapomeranian)


  • [x] #8 docs/index (@uetchy)
  • [x] #11 docs/quick-start (@uetchy)
  • [x] #12 docs/recipes (@uetchy)
  • [x] #121 docs/glossary (@Naturalclar)
  • [x] #49 docs/gatsby-cli (@sasurau4)


  • [x] #13 style-guide (@uetchy)
  • [x] #19 accessibility-statement (@exoego)


  • [x] #99 docs/glossary/graphql (@toshi1127)
  • [x] #94 docs/sharing-components-across-websites (@tkt989)
  • [x] #92 docs/routing (@nn6a)
  • [x] #91 docs/third-party-graphql (@lilpacy)
  • [x] #88 docs/recipes/deploying-your-site (@tomotetra)
  • [x] #87 docs/testing-css-in-js (@bebetaro)
  • [x] #86 docs/themes/conventions (@2ur1)
  • [x] #84 docs/using-gatsby-image (@taka-take)
  • [x] #82 docs/sourcing-from-private-apis (@nzws)
  • [x] #80 docs/themes/using-multiple-gatsby-themes (@kentaro84207)
  • [x] #79 docs/winning-over-developers (@mottox2)
  • [x] #78 docs/sourcing-from-databases (@HelloTakano)
  • [x] #77 docs/themes/getting-started (@hoshikitsunoda)
  • [x] #76 docs/recipes/styling-css (@huffhuffman)
  • [x] #75 docs/static-folder (@cosnomi)
  • [x] #74 docs/static-vs-normal-queries (@2ur1)
  • [x] #73 docs/themes/using-a-gatsby-theme (@hidecharo)
  • [x] #72 docs/making-your-site-accessible (@yamanoku)
  • [x] #71 docs/upgrade-gatsby-and-dependencies (@Imamachi-n)
  • [x] #64 docs/static-query (@2ur1)
  • [x] #63 docs/using-client-side-only-packages (@Shinyaigeek)
  • [x] #61 docs/starters (@2ur1)
  • [x] #60 docs/working-with-video (@ShiratoriTenta)
  • [x] #57 docs/using-gatsby-professionally (@yahooshiken)
  • [x] #55 docs/recipes/working-with-starters (@shoutatani)
  • [x] #54 docs/v1-release-notes (@zawataki)
  • [x] #53 docs/working-with-gifs (@1natsu172)
  • [x] #52 docs/releases-and-migration (@sottar)
  • [x] #48 docs/recipes/transforming-data (@isy)
  • [x] #47 docs/themes/building-themes (@yukisato)
  • [x] #45 docs/winning-over-stakeholders (@amagin006)
  • [x] #43 docs/use-static-query (@nakajmg)
  • [x] #42 docs/sass (@ryo4004)
  • [x] #41 docs/upgrading-node-js (@7ma7X)
  • [x] #37 docs/v2-release-notes (@mizunomi32)
  • [x] #36 docs/using-a-plugin-in-your-site (@sinack)
  • [x] #35 docs/what-you-dont-need-plugins-for (@bebetaro)
  • [x] #33 docs/thinking-in-gatsby (@mizunomi32)
  • [x] #32 docs/glossary/react (@ossan-engineer)
  • [x] #25 docs/using-graphql-playground (@cola119)
  • [x] #24 docs/themes (@cosnomi)
  • [x] #22 docs/what-is-a-plugin (@konojunya)
  • [x] #20 docs/glossary/webpack (@exoego)
  • [x] #167 docs/global-css (@harapeko)
  • [x] #166 docs/deploying-to-zeit-now (@mqtsuo02)
  • [x] #164 docs/path-prefix (@HelloTakako)
  • [x] #163 docs/mdx/markdown-syntax (@gentksb)
  • [x] #252 docs/mdx/customizing-components (@kenmikanmi)
  • [x] #162 docs/deploying-to-netlify (@gentksb)
  • [x] #160 docs/deploying-to-heroku (@sthtnr)
  • [x] #159 docs/deploying-to-firebase (@mqtsuo02)
  • [x] #158 docs/add-seo-component (@JijiiMac)
  • [x] #157 docs/bulma (@tkt989)
  • [x] #156 docs/working-with-images-in-markdown (@charlie043)
  • [x] #153 docs/add-a-manifest-file (@taka-take)
  • [x] #151 docs/using-gatsby-without-graphql (@osamumu21) 1/16
  • [x] #150 docs/telemetry (@bebetaro) 1/22
  • [x] #149 docs/localization-i18n (@Imamachi-n) 1/29
  • [x] #144 docs/mdx/index (@kkrnme) 1/24
  • [x] #143 docs/deploying-and-hosting (@mqtsuo02)
  • [x] #141 docs/gatsby-image (@ryo4004)
  • [x] #140 docs/add-page-metadata (@tkt989)
  • [x] #139 docs/testing (@karszawa)
  • [x] #138 docs/theme-api (@kenmikanmi)
  • [x] #137 docs/emotion (@mqtsuo02)
  • [x] #136 docs/working-with-images (@t-skgm) 1/16
  • [x] #135 docs/deploying-to-s3-cloudfront (@Imamachi-n)
  • [x] #134 docs/eslint (@JijiiMac)
  • [x] #131 docs/performance (@exoego)
  • [x] #130 docs/babel (@yukapomeranian)
  • [x] #129 docs/api-files (@setoken06)
  • [x] #128 docs/add-a-service-worker (@tkt989)
  • [x] #125 docs/add-404-page (@ryo4004)
  • [x] #124 docs/styled-components (@kotarella1110)
  • [x] #120 docs/typography-js (@isudzumi)
  • [x] #119 docs/winning-over-clients (@cosnomi)
  • [x] #118 docs/recipes/working-with-themes (@saji-ryu)
  • [x] #116 docs/webpack-and-ssr (@dorarep)
  • [x] #114 docs/sourcing-from-hosted-services (@nzws)
  • [x] #112 docs/sourcing-content-from-json-or-yaml (@nzws)
  • [x] #109 docs/visual-testing-with-storybook (@tatsushitoji)
  • [x] #108 docs/sourcing-from-the-filesystem (@nzws)
  • [x] #107 docs/styling (@kotarella1110)
  • [x] #106 docs/themes/what-are-gatsby-themes (@JijiiMac)
  • [x] #105 docs/setting-up-gatsby-without-gatsby-new (@JijiiMac)
  • [x] #102 docs/testing-react-components (@Imamachi-n)
  • [x] #100 docs/running-queries-with-graphiql (@f-teruhisa)
  • [x] #181 docs/basic-hardware-software-requirements (@1natsu172)
  • [x] #180 docs/best-practices-for-orgs (@1natsu172)
  • [x] #170 docs/adding-react-components (@blkclct) 2020-02-07
  • [x] #174 docs/creating-global-styles (@harapeko)
  • [x] #175 docs/css-libraries-and-frameworks (@harapeko)
  • [x] #176 docs/post-css (@harapeko)
  • [x] #182 docs/preparing-for-deployment (@gentksb) 2020-02-12
  • [x] #177 docs/adding-a-list-of-markdown-blog-posts (@naoya7076) 2020-02-11
  • [x] #93 docs/glossary/node (@takahi5)
  • [x] #96 docs/unit-testing (@KushibikiMashu)
  • [x] #178 docs/graphql (@bebetaro) 2020-01-15
  • [x] #179 docs/why-gatsby-uses-graphql (@shinobuhori) 1/15
  • [x] #183 docs/adding-analytics (@gentksb) 2020-02-12
  • [x] #142 docs/recipes/sourcing-data (@satomixx)
  • [x] #187 docs/adding-an-rss-feed (@exoego) 2020-01-26
  • [x] #188 docs/audit-with-lighthouse (@exoego) 2020-01-26
  • [x] #152 docs/sourcing-from-graphcms (@nakajmg)
  • [x] #186 docs/seo (@tanigu12) 1/16
  • [x] #203 docs/actions (@kawamataryo)
  • [x] #205 docs/adding-pagination (@kawamataryo)
  • [x] #202 docs/testing-components-with-graphql (@bebetaro)
  • [x] #208 docs/deploying-to-aws-amplify (@harapeko)
  • [x] #212 docs/creating-a-sitemap (@gentksb )
  • [x] #217 docs/adding-comments(@taka-take)
  • [x] #214 docs/building-a-contact-form (@kawamataryo)
  • [x] #204 docs/adding-forms (@kawamataryo)
  • [x] #213 docs/adding-search (@h-sakano)
  • [x] #225 docs/answering-it-security (@gentksb)
  • [x] #221 docs/adding-markdown-pages (@gentksb)
  • [x] #227 docs/adding-tags-and-categories-to-blog-posts (@gentksb)
  • [x] #228 docs/custom-html (@Sliip831143)
  • [x] #229 docs/themes/converting-a-starter (@grgr-dkrk)
  • [x] #230 docs/ab-testing (@h-sakano)
  • [x] docs/css-in-js (@harapeko) 2020-02-14 #189
  • [x] #215 docs/adding-search-with-algolia (@h-sakano)
  • [x] #233 docs/glossary/jamstack (@harapeko)
  • [x] #235 docs/api-files-gatsby-browser (@h-sakano)
  • [x] #244 docs/creating-a-local-plugin (@tkt989)
  • [x] #240 docs/graphql-api (@HelloTakako)
  • [x] #236 docs/api-files-gatsby-ssr (@h-sakano)
  • [x] #147 docs/add-offline-support-with-a-service-worker (@tkt989)
  • [x] #226 docs/graphql-concepts (@f-teruhisa)
  • [x] #250 docs/troubleshooting-common-errors (@grgr-dkrk)
  • [x] #247 docs/creating-slugs-for-pages (@Naturalclar)
  • [x] #248 docs/gatsby-project-structure (@gentksb)
  • [x] #254 docs/adding-page-transitions-with-plugin-transition-link (@taka-take)
  • [x] #253 docs/api-files-gatsby-node (@kkrnme)
  • [x] #256 docs/browser-support (@dragoneena12)
  • [x] #241 docs/sanitize-your-stack (@satomixx)
  • [x] #237 docs/security-in-gatsby (@satomixx)
  • [x] #261 docs/glamor (@konekato)
  • [x] #263 docs/cheat-sheet (@kentaro84207)


  • [x] #90 tutorial/theme-tutorials (@tkd708)
  • [x] #89 tutorial/ecommerce-tutorial (@naoya7076)
  • [x] #67 tutorial/using-a-theme (@YopiNoji)
  • [x] #65 tutorial/using-multiple-themes-together (@kazu7o)
  • [x] #51 tutorial/wordpress-image-tutorial (@2ur1)
  • [x] #39 tutorial/blog-netlify-cms-tutorial (@yukisato)
  • [x] #34 tutorial/authentication-tutorial (@hiramatsutaku)
  • [x] #30 tutorial/additional-tutorials (@n-harada)
  • [x] #126 tutorial/wordpress-source-plugin-tutorial (@yukisato)
  • [x] #113 tutorial/writing-documentation-with-docz (@YopiNoji)
  • [x] #216 tutorial/gatsby-image-tutorial (@YouheiNozaki)



  • [ ] 🏃 docs/recipes/pages-layouts (@dowdiness) 1/15
  • [ ] 🏃 docs/using-graphql-fragments (@uenitty) 1/15
  • [ ] 🏃 docs/winning-over-engineering-leaders (@r-kgy) 1/16
  • [ ] 🏃 docs/winning-over-marketers (@Takumon) 1/16
  • [ ] 🏃 docs/scaling-issues (@sottar) 1/17
  • [ ] 🏃 docs/theme-ui (@yahooshiken) 1/17
  • [ ] 🏃 docs/winning-over-executives (@Linus-MK) 1/18
  • [ ] 🏃 docs/schema-input-gql (@toshi1127) 1/20
  • [ ] 🏃 docs/sourcing-from-netlify-cms (@YopiNoji) 1/22
  • [ ] 🏃 docs/add-custom-webpack-config (@hoshikitsunoda) 1/29
  • [ ] 🏃 docs/mdx/getting-started (@kkrnme) 2020-01-30
  • [ ] 🏃 docs/caching (@yukapomeranian) 2020-01-31
  • [ ] 🏃 docs/css-modules (@mqtsuo02) 2020-02-12
  • [ ] 🏃 docs/gatsby-on-windows (@osamumu21) 2020-02-12
  • [ ] 🏃 docs/ssr-apis (@grgr-dkrk)
  • [ ] 🏃‍♀️ docs/gatsby-config (@gentksb)
  • [ ] 🏃‍♀️ docs/gatsby-lifecycle-apis (@kenmikanmi)
  • [x] #259 docs/themes/theme-composition (@tacrew)
  • [x] #260 docs/debugging (@70-10)
  • [x] #270 docs/debugging-cache-issues (@70-10)
  • [ ] 🏃‍♀️ docs/images-and-files (@akthrms)
  • [ ] docs/recipes/querying-data (@tacrew)
  • [ ] docs/linking-between-pages (@gentksb)
  • [x] docs/configuring-ca-certificates (@dragoneena12)
  • [ ] docs/tailwind-css (@miily8310s)
  • [x] #275 docs/local-https (@koji)
  • [x] #278 docs/guides (@70-10)


  • [ ] 🏃 tutorial/seo-and-social-sharing-cards-tutorial (@newt0)
  • [ ] 🏃 tutorial/building-a-theme (@sakito21) 1/15
  • [ ] 🏃 tutorial/prismic-source-graphql-tutorial (@hirotaka) 2/26



  • [ ] docs/themes/shadowing
  • [ ] docs/adding-app-and-website-functionality
  • [ ] docs/adding-page-transitions
  • [ ] docs/adding-search-with-elasticlunr
  • [ ] docs/adding-search-with-js-search
  • [ ] docs/api-files-gatsby-config
  • [ ] docs/api-proxy
  • [ ] docs/api-reference
  • [ ] docs/api-specification
  • [ ] docs/asset-prefix
  • [ ] docs/awesome-gatsby-resources
  • [ ] docs/babel-plugin-macros
  • [ ] docs/browser-apis
  • [ ] docs/build-caching
  • [x] #279 docs/building-a-blog (@koji)
  • [ ] docs/building-a-portfolio
  • [ ] docs/building-a-site-with-asynchronous-data
  • [ ] docs/building-a-site-with-authentication (@YouheiNozaki)
  • [ ] docs/building-an-e-commerce-site
  • [ ] docs/building-an-ecommerce-site-with-shopify
  • [ ] docs/building-an-image-heavy-site
  • [ ] docs/building-with-components
  • [ ] docs/client-only-routes-and-user-authentication
  • [ ] docs/coming-from-react-to-gatsby
  • [ ] docs/component-libraries
  • [ ] docs/conceptual-guide
  • [ ] docs/content-and-data
  • [ ] docs/convincing-others
  • [ ] docs/creating-a-source-plugin
  • [ ] docs/creating-a-starter
  • [ ] docs/creating-a-transformer-plugin
  • [ ] docs/creating-and-modifying-pages
  • [ ] docs/creating-dynamic-navigation
  • [ ] docs/creating-plugins
  • [ ] docs/creating-prefixed-404-pages-for-different-languages
  • [ ] docs/customization
  • [ ] docs/data-fetching
  • [ ] docs/data-storage-redux
  • [ ] docs/debugging-async-lifecycles
  • [ ] docs/debugging-html-builds
  • [ ] docs/debugging-replace-renderer-api
  • [ ] docs/debugging-the-build-process
  • [ ] docs/deploying-to-aerobatic
  • [ ] docs/deploying-to-gitlab-pages
  • [ ] docs/deploying-to-iis
  • [ ] docs/deploying-to-kintohub
  • [ ] docs/deploying-to-render
  • [ ] docs/deploying-to-surge
  • [ ] docs/different-organization-types
  • [ ] docs/end-to-end-testing
  • [ ] docs/environment-variables
  • [ ] docs/faster-recruiting
  • [ ] docs/files-gatsby-looks-for-in-a-plugin
  • [ ] docs/first-professional-project
  • [ ] docs/gatsby-agency-partnership
  • [ ] docs/gatsby-core-philosophy
  • [ ] docs/gatsby-for-agencies
  • [ ] docs/gatsby-for-companies
  • [ ] docs/gatsby-for-freelancers
  • [ ] docs/gatsby-in-the-enterprise
  • [ ] docs/gatsby-internals
  • [ ] docs/gatsby-internals-terminology
  • [ ] docs/gatsby-link
  • [ ] docs/gatsby-magic
  • [ ] docs/gatsby-on-linux
  • [ ] docs/gatsby-repl
  • [ ] docs/gatsby-source-filesystem-programmatic-import
  • [ ] docs/gatsby-vendor-partnership
  • [ ] docs/glossary/headless-cms
  • [ ] docs/glossary/headless-wordpress
  • [ ] docs/glossary/static-site-generator
  • [ ] docs/going-gatsby-only
  • [ ] docs/graphql-reference
  • [x] #302 docs/headless-cms (@laprn)
  • [ ] docs/how-code-splitting-works
  • [ ] docs/how-gatsby-boosts-career
  • [ ] docs/how-gatsby-works-with-github-pages
  • [ ] docs/how-plugins-apis-are-run
  • [ ] docs/how-shadowing-worksx
  • [ ] docs/how-to-add-a-list-of-markdown-blog-posts
  • [ ] docs/html-generation
  • [ ] docs/importing-assets-into-files
  • [ ] docs/importing-media-content
  • [ ] docs/interactive-pages
  • [ ] docs/internal-data-bridge
  • [ ] docs/layout-components
  • [ ] docs/loading-plugins-from-your-local-plugins-folder
  • [ ] docs/location-data-from-props
  • [ ] docs/lower-bids-more-profit
  • [ ] docs/maintaining-a-plugin
  • [ ] docs/making-components-discoverable
  • [ ] docs/mdx/plugins
  • [ ] docs/mdx/programmatically-creating-pages
  • [ ] docs/mdx/writing-pages
  • [ ] docs/migrating-from-v0-to-v1
  • [ ] docs/migrating-from-v1-to-v2
  • [ ] docs/modifying-a-starter
  • [ ] docs/multi-core-builds
  • [ ] docs/naming-a-plugin
  • [ ] docs/node-api-helpers
  • [ ] docs/node-apis
  • [ ] docs/node-creation
  • [ ] docs/node-interface
  • [ ] docs/node-model
  • [ ] docs/node-tracking
  • [ ] docs/optimizing-site-performance-with-guessjs
  • [ ] docs/overview
  • [ ] docs/overview-of-the-gatsby-build-process
  • [ ] docs/page-creation
  • [ ] docs/page-node-dependencies
  • [ ] docs/page-query
  • [ ] docs/partnering-with-gatsby
  • [ ] docs/performance-tracing
  • [ ] docs/pixabay-source-plugin-tutorial
  • [ ] docs/plugins
  • [ ] docs/plugins-themes-and-starters
  • [ ] docs/porting-an-html-site-to-gatsby
  • [ ] docs/porting-from-create-react-app-to-gatsby
  • [ ] docs/porting-to-gatsby
  • [ ] docs/preoptimizing-images
  • [ ] docs/preparing-for-site-launch
  • [ ] docs/preparing-your-environment
  • [ ] docs/preprocessing-external-images
  • [ ] docs/processing-payments-with-stripe.
  • [ ] docs/production-app
  • [ ] docs/programmatically-create-pages-from-data
  • [ ] docs/progressive-web-app
  • [ ] docs/prpl-pattern
  • [ ] docs/query-behind-the-scenes
  • [ ] docs/query-execution
  • [ ] docs/query-extraction
  • [ ] docs/reach-router-and-gatsby
  • [ ] docs/react-hydration
  • [ ] docs/remark-plugin-tutorial
  • [ ] docs/resource-handling-and-service-workers
  • [ ] docs/schema-connections
  • [ ] docs/schema-customization
  • [ ] docs/schema-generation
  • [ ] docs/schema-gql-type
  • [ ] docs/schema-sift
  • [ ] docs/sourcing-from-agilitycms
  • [ ] docs/sourcing-from-buttercms
  • [ ] docs/sourcing-from-contentful
  • [ ] docs/sourcing-from-contentstack
  • [ ] docs/sourcing-from-drupal
  • [ ] docs/sourcing-from-forestry
  • [ ] docs/sourcing-from-gentics-mesh
  • [ ] docs/sourcing-from-ghost
  • [ ] docs/sourcing-from-kentico-kontent
  • [ ] docs/sourcing-from-prismic
  • [ ] docs/sourcing-from-prose
  • [ ] docs/sourcing-from-sanity
  • [ ] docs/sourcing-from-seams-cms
  • [ ] docs/sourcing-from-wordpress
  • [ ] docs/winning-over-content-creators
  • [ ] docs/write-pages

gatsbybot avatar Jan 10 '20 16:01 gatsbybot

I'll translate code-of-conduct

Naturalclar avatar Jan 11 '20 12:01 Naturalclar

I'd like to translate: tutorial/index tutorial/part-zero tutorial/part-one tutorial/part-two tutorial/part-three

hirotaka avatar Jan 11 '20 12:01 hirotaka

I’ll translate

  • docs/index
  • docs/quick-start
  • docs/recipes

uetchy avatar Jan 11 '20 13:01 uetchy

I'll translate docs/glossary

Naturalclar avatar Jan 13 '20 04:01 Naturalclar

I'll translate docs/gatsby-cli

sasurau4 avatar Jan 14 '20 10:01 sasurau4

Can I translate tutorial/part-four ?

yuuyu00 avatar Jan 14 '20 10:01 yuuyu00

@yuuyu00 Go ahead!

Naturalclar avatar Jan 14 '20 10:01 Naturalclar

@Naturalclar Thx!

yuuyu00 avatar Jan 14 '20 10:01 yuuyu00

I wanna translate tutorial/part-five !!

mqtsuo02 avatar Jan 14 '20 13:01 mqtsuo02

@mqtsuo02 go ahead!

Naturalclar avatar Jan 14 '20 14:01 Naturalclar

I think contributing/ should be translated as soon as possible and mentioned in the top comment. Perhaps a lot of new potential contributors will be interested in the free swag, isn't it?

smorimoto avatar Jan 14 '20 14:01 smorimoto

@imbsky It should be! Would you like to work on contributing/

uetchy avatar Jan 14 '20 14:01 uetchy

I'm interested in translating the following pages. Is that okay? docs/making-your-site-accessible/

yamanoku avatar Jan 14 '20 14:01 yamanoku

@yamanoku sure! Go ahead!

Naturalclar avatar Jan 14 '20 14:01 Naturalclar

@uetchy I can translate, but the page doesn't have many characters. So almost anyone can work on translating that page. I would like to treat the page like "good first page". Is there anyone who wants to do it?

smorimoto avatar Jan 14 '20 14:01 smorimoto

Can I translate tutorial/part-six ?

kakukakug avatar Jan 14 '20 14:01 kakukakug

I'll translate tutorial/part-seven

grgr-dkrk avatar Jan 14 '20 14:01 grgr-dkrk

@kakukakug @grgr-dkrk thanks! Go ahead and start translating :)

Naturalclar avatar Jan 14 '20 14:01 Naturalclar

Can I translate tutorial/part-eight?

u00000ka avatar Jan 14 '20 14:01 u00000ka

I'll add more pages to translate once I get home

Naturalclar avatar Jan 14 '20 14:01 Naturalclar

I'd like to translate docs/recipes/styling-css

tars0x9752 avatar Jan 14 '20 15:01 tars0x9752

I'd like to translate tutorial/additional-tutorials

n-harada avatar Jan 14 '20 15:01 n-harada

Can I translate docs/glossary/react ?

ossan-engineer avatar Jan 14 '20 15:01 ossan-engineer

Can I translate tutorial/authentication-tutorial ?

hiramatsutaku avatar Jan 14 '20 15:01 hiramatsutaku

I'd like to translate contributing/why-contribute-to-gatsby

sanposhiho avatar Jan 14 '20 16:01 sanposhiho

@sanposhiho Good stuff 🙂

smorimoto avatar Jan 14 '20 16:01 smorimoto

I'd like to translate docs/glossary/graphql

toshi1127 avatar Jan 14 '20 17:01 toshi1127

I'd like to translate tutorial/blog-netlify-cms-tutorial

yukisato avatar Jan 14 '20 18:01 yukisato

I'd like to translate docs/webpack-and-ssr

dorarep avatar Jan 14 '20 18:01 dorarep

I'll translate accessibility-statement.

exoego avatar Jan 14 '20 21:01 exoego