plspm copied to clipboard
R package plspm
changed place of space
Solve problems mentioned in the issues #8 and #9
Hey I spotted a similar problem in the function get_numerics Iwould replace the first two lines: mvs_class = sapply(MV, class) mvs_as_factors
Hey, in the function test_manifest_scaling are to my opinion several issues: line 17/18 mvs_class = sapply(MV, class) mvs_as_factors class(MV[,1]) > [1] "ordered" "factor" I suggest to replace the two lines...
Dear Gaston, I run into a bug when specifying the `scaling` argument in `plpsm()` for models that contain formative blocks (mode B) with 2 manifest variables (MVs). The reason for...
Hi, I've spotted an issue with `get_dummy()`, when running `plspm()` with a model comprising ordinal variables with "0" as one of the categories. Let's assume we have a variable in...
Hi Gaston, In `get_weights_nonmetric()` [as of 30aaec0a44b5c8be7bc24ef48dcf8283ce6b80f2], the computation of inner weights seems to fail when using the factorial scheme. I have pasted an example code at the end for...
Dear Gaston, I run into a bug when using NAs for non reflective blocks (in 30aaec0a44b5c8be7bc24ef48dcf8283ce6b80f2 as well as in the 0.4.1 stable version). For instance, introducing NAs in `data(russa)`...
Hello, I tried running the plspm function but received an error message: "Error in check_blocks(blocks, Data) : Wrong 'blocks'. Duplicated variables in a block are not allowed" I have double...