arcdiagram copied to clipboard
R package arcdiagram
Hi Gaston, Thanks for this nice package! Suppose nodes in the arcdiagram are species and we have a phylogeny for these species. I wonder how hard it is to plot...
arcdiagram::arcplot Is there any way to provide X? In below example, I would like to have nodes apart from each other at Xaxis with provided value. So that we know...
Hi, I'm using this package to generate some initial plots for further editing. But I cannot manage to save the figures. I tried ggsave, the export image from the UI,...
I got the error as below, when I try to install the package: "Error in parse_repo_spec(repo) : Invalid git repo specification: 'arcdiagram'" I change to "install_github('gastonstat/arcdiagram')" and It works.
I would like to be able to color code the nodes and edges based on a continuous palette rather than a color for every value. Do you have any advice...
While R version is compatible with this package under linux? (Centos 6)
We would like to right-justify the node symbols; they appear to default to left-justify with no `nodes.adj` option available. In the attached you can see what we're trying to do;...
Is there any ways to add labels to edges in the arcplot command?
Previously arcplot only generates a node if its reflected in the edgelist but this leaves out singleton nodes if present in the graph. Proposed new arguement `vertices` will accept a...