r4ge icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
r4ge copied to clipboard

Symbolic Execution Tool in r2


A rizin Plugin to perform symbolic execution with a simple macro call. Internally it uses angr as execution engine. The Usage is possible with and without debugger, dynamic and static analysis mode.


To "install" it just create r2-macros in your .rizinrc file with the according path to the r4ge files.

Requirements are of course angr and rizin and also termcolor which is used for colored printing.

needed macros:

main plugin file, performs static and dynamic analysis

(r4ge; #!pipe python /home/niku/SharedWin/GitRepos/r4ge/src/r4ge.py)

mark a specific memory region as symbolic (addr: start address, bytes: how many bytes, name: name the variable)

(markMemSymbolic addr bytes name; #!pipe python /pathToFile/createVariable.py symb $0 $1 $2)

create hooks in r2 and patch function calls or other statements (syntax of the instructions: rax=0x4 or rax=0x4;rbx=0x10)

(addHook addr instructions bytes comment; #!pipe python /pathToFile/createVariable.py hook $0 $1 $2 $3)

create asserts to check register values during exploration (syntax of the instructions: rax==0x3 or rax#=0x3;rax<=0x10) Note: # is used instead of >, cause r2 uses > as pipe operator.

(addAssert addr assertions comment; #!pipe python3 /pathToFile/createVariable.py assert $0 $1 $2)

it is also possible to search for a specific string in stdout, just call the makro below. this will ignore find flags, but will consider hooks and asserts. (r2 has many special characters so it may not be possible to put arbitrary strings in the makro but you can modify the r2-variable by your own)

(checkStdout content;  #!pipe python3 /pathToFile/createVariable.py checkstdout $0)

create an angr script out of the current r2 session

(createScript name; #!pipe python3 /pathToFile/createScript.py $0)

call a function and specifiy the return value (currently in development mode)

(callFunction retval; #!pipe python3 /pathToFile/callFunction.py $0)


The dynamic mode will print the concretized symbolic memory if it found a path, the static mode will open an IPython shell in r2 and you will have to concretize the memory by yourself.

In r2 just create the flags with the name: r4ge.start (only needed in static mode), r4ge.find, r4ge.avoidx (where x is a increasing number, it is not possible in r2 to create flags with the same name) After the flag creation, create Hooks or Asserts if you need one and afterwards just call the r4ge macro.

usage image

short tutorial: https://asciinema.org/a/155856


do not hesitate to ask or write us an email ;)


update 20.10.2021

  • moved to rizin (minimal support only)

update 10.06.2021, more will come :)

  • ported to python3.8 and angr 9.0.7833


r4ge example