sinowealth-8051-dumper icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
sinowealth-8051-dumper copied to clipboard

Flash memory dumper for 8051-based SinoWealth MCUs

Results 3 sinowealth-8051-dumper issues
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Hi! Thanks for your this amazing proyect. I was wondering if you plan to release any updates with write / mass erase flash functions. Currently i have a bunch of...

Turns out my part is **SH68F881** (I don't have markings on package) ``` Dumping part number: 68F881000000 ``` Binary was recreated using `xxd -r -p test.hex > test.bin` and it...

Hey, thanks for all the effort in building this! Have you looked into dumping the existing code option values? Any idea which address they are available on? Perhaps it would...