Gary Hooper
Gary Hooper
When I enter a latitude and longitude in the search bar, a different location is displayed. E.g. entering 37.615531, -122.389127 results in 37.612789, -122.389427 being displayed.
I see no equivalent to FileManager's replaceItemAt ( This is equivalent to linux `mv dir1/old_name dir2/new_name`. Is this possible? If not, could it be added? The use case is downloading...
I am successfully using BSKeyboardControls with a fixed number of defined great!!! I have another UIViewController containing only a UITableView with a dynamic cell prototype containing a single text...
Multiple compiler errors occur when using with OAuthSwift 2.1.0, Alamofire 5.2.1, in both `HTTPMethod.swift` and `OAuthSwiftRequestAdapter.swift`.
Today, I am using SessionManager to make my OAuth1 URL requests via Alamofire. ``` sessionManager = SessionManager( configuration: .default ) sessionManager?.adapter = oauth!.requestAdapter sessionManager?.request( ... ) ... ``` This works...
### Description When using a `UITableView`, I am seeing LayoutContraints errors for each cell. This occurs when calling `scrollView.layoutIfNeeded()` inside `var longFormHeight: PanModalHeight`. These errors do not occur if the...
### Description Subviews in my tableView in the PanModal controller have swipe actions, created using UISwipeGestureRecognizer. These are not being passed through to the tableView for the subviews to act...
I created 4 email messages. Along with the main accessory, I placed them in a new HomeKit Room named "Messaging". All are visible when viewing the new room. So far,...
All works well until I enter full-screen mode; the injected subtitle is no longer present. Toggling back to window mode results in the injected subtitle returning. Restarting the video after...
The Powerwall device itself is showing as a light in the device summary. It is excluded from the Home Summary, but is still showing as a light in the summary...