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Refactor AA protocol code to use protocol buffers

Open lmagder opened this issue 8 years ago • 68 comments

I did some preliminary investigation into writing proto files instead of manually constructing the wire protocol, but only with some messages sent by the headunit to the phone so far.

For example in the function I added to send a button message

int hu_fill_button_message(uint8_t* buffer, uint64_t timeStamp, HU_INPUT_BUTTON button, int isPress)
    int buffCount = 0;
    buffer[buffCount++] = 0x80;
    buffer[buffCount++] = 0x01;
    buffer[buffCount++] = 0x08;

    buffCount += varint_encode(timeStamp, buffer + buffCount, 0);

    buffer[buffCount++] = 0x22;
    buffer[buffCount++] = 0x0A;
    buffer[buffCount++] = 0x0A;
    buffer[buffCount++] = 0x08;
    buffer[buffCount++] = 0x08;
    buffer[buffCount++] = (uint8_t)button;
    buffer[buffCount++] = 0x10;
    buffer[buffCount++] = isPress ? 0x01 : 0x00;
    buffer[buffCount++] = 0x18;
    buffer[buffCount++] = 0x00;
    buffer[buffCount++] = 0x20;
    buffer[buffCount++] = 0x00;
    return buffCount;

I saved this out with timestamp = 15, button = 32, isPress = true as buttonMessage.bin. Running this through protoc --decode_raw < buttonMessage.bin yields

1: 1
1: 15
4 {
  1 {
    1: 32
    2: 1
    3: 0
    4: 0

so actually you can see there are two messages concatenated here (since there can't be two field #1s). Assuming all the fields are there the first field is pretty simple, something like

message Header
    enum PacketType
        INPUT_EVENT = 1;
        //More here probably
    required PacketType type = 1;

so I chopped it off to get

protoc --decode_raw < buttonMessageNoHeader.bin 
1: 15
4 {
  1 {
    1: 32
    2: 1
    3: 0
    4: 0

so just making up names assuming what the code does and inferring types from the wire format since unfortunately protoc does not print them, despite knowing them.

message ButtonInfo
    required uint32 scanCode = 1;
    required bool pressed = 2;
    required uint32 unknown1 = 3 [default = 0];
    required uint32 unknown2 = 4 [default = 0];

message ButtonInfoWrapper
    required ButtonInfo button = 1;

message InputEvent
    required uint64 timeStamp = 1;
    optional ButtonInfoWrapper button = 4;

seems to work:

protoc test.proto --decode HU.InputEvent < buttonMessageNoHeader.bin 
timeStamp: 15
button {
  button {
    scanCode: 32
    pressed: true
    unknown1: 0
    unknown2: 0

I did a few more like the touch event and the day/night sensor notification and you can start to see patterns. The first packet is always a single enum which is the type of second packet and then all the input events are one packet type with optional sub-structs, same with the sensor event. So it seems you can send all or any subset of the sensors at once. I attached the files.

This would definitely clean up code a lot (especially the sd_buf stuff in hu_app.c) and it shouldn't add runtime requirements since all the protoc stuff generates code you compile and link against. The only potential problem is that protoc generates C++ code by default, which is probably nicer and would work since input_filter uses modern C++, but would be a drastic change. There is a unofficial protoc-c project though testFiles.zip

lmagder avatar Sep 11 '16 23:09 lmagder

Got farther in decoding more of the init message into proto code. Turns out the Linux Google desktop head unit binary is not stripped, so if you look at the symbols and know the structure of the code protoc generates you can get info:

syntax = "proto2";

package HU;

message Header
    enum PacketType
        INPUT_EVENT = 1;
        SENSOR_EVENT = 3;
    required PacketType type = 1;

message ButtonInfo
    required uint32 scanCode = 1;
    required bool isPressed = 2;
    required uint32 meta = 3;
    required bool longPress = 4;

message ButtonInfoWrapper
    repeated ButtonInfo button = 1;

message TouchInfo
        RELEASE = 0;
        PRESS = 1;
        DRAG = 2;
    message Location
        required uint32 x = 1;
        required uint32 y = 2;
        required uint32 pointerId = 3;
    repeated Location location = 1;
    required uint32 actionIndex = 2;
    required TOUCH_ACTION action = 3;

message InputEvent
    required uint64 timeStamp = 1;
    optional int32 dispChannel = 2;
    optional TouchInfo touch = 3;
    optional ButtonInfoWrapper button = 4;

message SensorEvent
    message NightMode
        required bool isNight = 1;
    repeated NightMode nightMode = 10;

    AA_CH_CTR = 0;    
    AA_CH_SEN = 1;
    AA_CH_VID = 2;
    AA_CH_TOU = 3;
    AA_CH_AUD = 4;
    AA_CH_AU1 = 5;
    AA_CH_AU2 = 6;
    AA_CH_MIC = 7;


    SPEECH = 1;
    SYSTEM = 2;
    MEDIA = 3;

    AUDIO = 1;
    VIDEO = 3;   

message AudioCofig
    required uint32 sampleRate = 1;
    required uint32 bitDepth = 2;
    required uint32 channelCount = 3;

message ChannelDescriptor
    required uint32 channelId = 1;
    message SensorChannel
        message Sensor
            required SENSOR_TYPE type = 1;
        repeated Sensor sensorList = 1;
    optional SensorChannel sensorChannel = 2;

    message OutputStreamChannel
        required STREAM_TYPE type = 1;
        optional AUDIO_TYPE audioType = 2;
        repeated AudioCofig audioConfigs = 3;

        message VideoConfig
            enum VIDEO_RESOLUTION
                VR_800x480 = 1;
                VR_1280x720 = 2;
                VR_1920x1080 = 3;

            enum VIDEO_FPS
                VFPS_30 = 1;
                VFPS_60 = 2;
            required VIDEO_RESOLUTION resolution = 1;
            required VIDEO_FPS frameRate = 2;
            required uint32 marginWidth = 3;
            required uint32 marginHeight = 4;
            required uint32 dpi = 5;
            optional uint32 additionalDepth = 6;
        repeated VideoConfig videoConfigs = 4;
        optional bool availableWhileInCall = 5;
    optional OutputStreamChannel outputStreamChannel = 3;

    message InputEventChannel
        message TouchScreenConfig
            required uint32 width = 1;
            required uint32 height = 2;
        repeated uint32 keycodesSupported = 1;
        optional TouchScreenConfig touchScreenConfig = 2;
        optional TouchScreenConfig touchPadConfig = 3;

    optional InputEventChannel inputEventChannel = 4;

    message InputStreamChannel
        required STREAM_TYPE type = 1;
        required AudioCofig audioConfig = 2;
        optional bool availableWhileInCall = 3;

    optional InputStreamChannel inputStreamChannel = 5;

    //bt service == 6
    //radio == 7
    //mediaplayback == 9
    //phonestatus = 10
    //vendor extension==12

message CarInfo
    repeated ChannelDescriptor channels = 1;
    required string HeadUnitName = 2;
    required string CarModel = 3;
    required string CarYear = 4;
    required string CarSerial = 5;
    required bool DriverPos = 6;
    required string HeadUnitMake = 7;
    required string HeadUnitModel = 8;
    required string SWBuild = 9;
    required string SWVersion = 10;
    required bool canPlayNativeMediaDuringVr = 11;
    required bool hideClock = 12;

lmagder avatar Nov 19 '16 21:11 lmagder

This looks really really promising for less headaches in the source.

(I'd archive the Linux binary before Google notices and removes it though :P )

izacus avatar Nov 19 '16 22:11 izacus

Yes it does look good, the only problem is for the love of my life I was never able to understand the protobuf thing, I'm not saying that I know too much about programing or so, but with the original code I kind'a can understand what I'm doing, and how to manipulate / construct the message, all through still having some difficulties figuring out everything.

Here is some more information I managed to figure out, if GPS sensor data can be fully decoded it means the phone can take advantage of the car's GPS rather than relying on the phone GPS. Also injecting a "speed" of 0.001 as below brings up the unlimited browsing in AA. For example GPS sensor data:

        byte[] data = new byte[17];
        hu_uti.varint_encode (86400000000000L, data,  5);

data[3]=(byte)0x0a - Is indicating the Location sensor: data[4]=(byte)12 - The total size sent 1day in future after that,

This translates to velocity of 0.001 (aka we are NOT moving)


This on the other hand translates to a suspicious accuracy of 0.001 (i use to inject this so AA doesn't take the location received from the car in consideration, otherwise it will put you in the middle of the ocean at Lat: 0, Long: 0)


I figured out the the (byte)0x30 and (byte)0x20 are following a pattern, every time increment of 8. Hexa values below: 08 - Not sure what it is 10 - Latitude? 18 - Longitude?

borconi avatar Nov 21 '16 17:11 borconi

For aa version 1.6 drive status 0 was enough, since aa 2.0 it does check on the GPS data sent over by the car..... Grrrrrrr.... If no data sent over the speed is considered null which means car not parked, what a crazy logic.

Yeah I know what's the concept of protobuf but somehow they are not designed for my brain.... You know when you just cannot make sense of something no matter what.... Or maybe my brain is to limited to understand them..... I fully get the concept but was never able to get the examples running form Google site so I gave up.

Byte buffer it is then, trail and fail and more fail till I succeed, but that's the wrong way i know your approach is much better.

Take a look on the byte buffer for the Bluetooth hands free as well, I think you will be able to work out the naming there as well, I have added it as comment to issue number 2, sorry typing from phone and lazy to insert links

borconi avatar Nov 21 '16 20:11 borconi

Yeah I could see it adds another layer of obfuscation, but basically what it's doing is you write a text file which describes the structs then protoc generates you source code to convert the structs to and from the bytestream (with Parse and Serialize methods on C++ version)

Since the bytestreams you are writing are originally protobuf messages they have data in them for protoc to understand the format, but just no names of the fields. So you can use the decode_raw mode to print out the structure of a dump. So what I was doing was looking at that then adding the field names myself based on the existing code and/or guessing. You can test it by decoding the dump on the command line with protoc and the proto file.

So like for example for the CarInfo struct, this writes the same data as the sd_buf:

//  extern int wifi_direct;// = 0;//1;//0;
  int aa_pro_ctr_a05 (int chan, byte * buf, int len) {                  // Service Discovery Request
    if (len < 4 || buf [2] != 0x0a)
      loge ("Service Discovery Request: %x", buf [2]);
      logd ("Service Discovery Request");                               // S 0 CTR b src: HU  lft:   113  msg_type:     6 Service Discovery Response    S 0 CTR b 00000000 0a 08 08 01 12 04 0a 02 08 0b 0a 13 08 02 1a 0f

    HU::CarInfo carInfo;
    carInfo.set_head_unit_name("Mazda Connect");

    HU::ChannelDescriptor* sensorChannel = carInfo.add_channels();
      auto inner = sensorChannel->mutable_sensor_channel();

    HU::ChannelDescriptor* videoChannel = carInfo.add_channels();
      auto inner = videoChannel->mutable_output_stream_channel();
      auto videoConfig = inner->add_video_configs();

    HU::ChannelDescriptor* inputChannel = carInfo.add_channels();
      auto inner = inputChannel->mutable_input_event_channel();
      auto tsConfig = inner->mutable_touch_screen_config();

    HU::ChannelDescriptor* micChannel = carInfo.add_channels();
      auto inner = micChannel->mutable_input_stream_channel();
      auto audioConfig = inner->mutable_audio_config();

    HU::ChannelDescriptor* audioChannel0 = carInfo.add_channels();
      auto inner = audioChannel0->mutable_output_stream_channel();
      auto audioConfig = inner->add_audio_configs();

    HU::ChannelDescriptor* audioChannel1 = carInfo.add_channels();
      auto inner = audioChannel1->mutable_output_stream_channel();
      auto audioConfig = inner->add_audio_configs();

    std::ofstream old("old.bin", std::ostream::binary);
    old.write((const char*)sd_buf, sizeof (sd_buf));

    std::ofstream newbin("new.bin", std::ostream::binary);
    char header0 = 0;
    char header1 = 6;
    newbin.write(&header0, 1);
    newbin.write(&header1, 1);

I used SerializeToOstream since I'm lazy 😄 but there is Serialize and Parse to raw buffers too.

For the GPS stuff, I'm not sure that's the right way to go it might cause problems with maps and other stuff. What about the SENSOR_TYPE_DRIVING_STATUS? It seems like it's a bool which sets this setting directly.

EDIT: Reposting under right account

lmagder avatar Nov 21 '16 20:11 lmagder

Argh, that's super annoying. I would assume it would use the phone's GPS if the HU doesn't report a GPS sensor. Still can't mess with the map when driving but at least it would match a real HU. The car has a GPS so maybe we need to figure out how to get that data from the CMU dbus.

Yeah I will take a look at the bluetooth stuff when I have some time. Some of the other stuff I would hope to add is hooking up more stuff to the real CMU parts. Like the Mazda OS has access to the hardware light sensor though a proc file, I want to hook that up to night/day mode instead of the time. It also seems like there is way to expose the XM radio as a AA music source based on the desktop headunit code. That would be awesome.

lmagder avatar Nov 21 '16 20:11 lmagder

It doesn't mess up the GPS, I'm using it like that for the last 2 days, initially it set you to 0,0 (near Africa) but than the phone GPS picks up and it all works fine.

borconi avatar Nov 21 '16 20:11 borconi

@lmagder it looks like you have way more knowledge than me, so maybe you have an idea on this. This is how the Sensor data should look (in Java):

public CarSensorEvent(int paramInt1, int paramInt2, long paramLong, float[] paramArrayOfFloat, byte[] paramArrayOfByte)
    this.a = paramInt1;
    this.b = paramInt2;
    this.c = paramLong;
    this.d = paramArrayOfFloat;
    this.e = paramArrayOfByte;

Now, I know that the following bytearray is working:

byte[] data = new byte[17];
        hu_uti.varint_encode (86400000000000L, data,  5);

I also know that data[13] in the input byte array is translated to d[5] in Java, if instead of (byte)0x30 I use byte(0x08) that is translated to d[1] in Java, which looks to me that I'm only passing the: float[] paramArrayOfFloat to Java, any idea how a proto will pass the byte[] paramArrayOfByte, AA will use that byte array to calculate the Latitude and Longitude, with the following formula:

 if ((i & 0x1) != 0)
      if (((CarSensorEvent)localObject3).a >= 2) {
        ((Location)localObject1).setLatitude(CarSensorEvent.a(((CarSensorEvent)localObject3).e, 1) * 1.0E-7D);
      if ((i & 0x2) != 0)
        if (((CarSensorEvent)localObject3).a < 2) {
          break label845;
        ((Location)localObject1).setLongitude(CarSensorEvent.a(((CarSensorEvent)localObject3).e, 5) * 1.0E-7D);

Now to my unknowing head this says that the first 4 bytes of the byte[] paramArrayOfByte referenced above will be the latitude and the next 4 will be the longitude, what I cannot figure out how to wire that byte[] paramArrayOfByte into the byte array.

Any ideas?

borconi avatar Nov 22 '16 22:11 borconi

Can you paste CarSensorEvent.a(byte[], int) (the method, not the field) so we see how they transform the number?

izacus avatar Nov 23 '16 10:11 izacus

Here is the whole class:

package com.google.android.gms.car;

import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable.Creator;
import com.google.android.gms.common.internal.safeparcel.AbstractSafeParcelable;
import fge;
import imf;

public class CarSensorEvent
  extends AbstractSafeParcelable
  public static final Parcelable.Creator CREATOR = new fge();
  public final int a;
  public int b;
  public long c;
  public final float[] d;
  public final byte[] e;
  public CarSensorEvent(int paramInt1, int paramInt2, long paramLong, float[] paramArrayOfFloat, byte[] paramArrayOfByte)
    this.a = paramInt1;
    this.b = paramInt2;
    this.c = paramLong;
    this.d = paramArrayOfFloat;
    this.e = paramArrayOfByte;
  public CarSensorEvent(int paramInt1, long paramLong, int paramInt2, int paramInt3)
    this.a = 3;
    this.b = paramInt1;
    this.c = paramLong;
    this.d = new float[paramInt2];
    this.e = new byte[paramInt3];
  public static int a(byte[] paramArrayOfByte, int paramInt)
    return paramArrayOfByte[paramInt] & 0xFF | paramArrayOfByte[(paramInt + 1)] << 8 & 0xFF00 | paramArrayOfByte[(paramInt + 2)] << 16 & 0xFF0000 | paramArrayOfByte[(paramInt + 3)] << 24 & 0xFF000000;
  public static void a(byte[] paramArrayOfByte, int paramInt1, int paramInt2)
    paramArrayOfByte[paramInt1] = ((byte)paramInt2);
    paramArrayOfByte[(paramInt1 + 1)] = ((byte)(paramInt2 >> 8));
    paramArrayOfByte[(paramInt1 + 2)] = ((byte)(paramInt2 >> 16));
    paramArrayOfByte[(paramInt1 + 3)] = ((byte)(paramInt2 >>> 24));
  public final void a(int paramInt)
    if (this.b == paramInt) {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format("Invalid sensor type: expected %d, got %d", new Object[] { Integer.valueOf(paramInt), Integer.valueOf(this.b) }));
  public String toString()
    StringBuilder localStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    Object localObject = String.valueOf(Integer.toHexString(this.b));
    if (((String)localObject).length() != 0) {}
    int j;
    int i;
    for (localObject = "type:".concat((String)localObject);; localObject = new String("type:"))
      if ((this.d == null) || (this.d.length <= 0)) {
      localStringBuilder.append(" float values:");
      localObject = this.d;
      j = localObject.length;
      i = 0;
      while (i < j)
        float f = localObject[i];
        localStringBuilder.append(16 + " " + f);
        i += 1;
    if ((this.e != null) && (this.e.length > 0))
      localStringBuilder.append(" byte values:");
      localObject = this.e;
      j = localObject.length;
      i = 0;
      while (i < j)
        int k = localObject[i];
        localStringBuilder.append(5 + " " + k);
        i += 1;
    return localStringBuilder.toString();
  public void writeToParcel(Parcel paramParcel, int paramInt)
    paramInt = imf.a(paramParcel, 20293);
    imf.b(paramParcel, 1, this.b);
    imf.a(paramParcel, 2, this.c);
    imf.a(paramParcel, 3, this.d, false);
    imf.a(paramParcel, 4, this.e, false);
    imf.b(paramParcel, 1000, this.a);
    imf.b(paramParcel, paramInt);

borconi avatar Nov 23 '16 11:11 borconi


LocationData proto definiton, hope that will help you:

    message LocationData
        optional uint64 timestamp = 1;
        optional int32 latitude = 2;
        optional int32 longitude = 3;
        optional uint32 accuracy = 4;
        optional int32 altitude = 5;
        optional int32 speed = 6;
        optional int32 bearing = 7;

anod avatar Nov 29 '16 07:11 anod

Thanks @anod the only problem is I wasn't yet able to construct the proper bytearray for this, I think I need to sit down and chew over those protobuf documentations till I finally able to master them.

borconi avatar Nov 29 '16 10:11 borconi

I think example will help you,

Example of nightmode message:

        Protocol.SensorBatch sensorBatch = new Protocol.SensorBatch();
        sensorBatch.nightMode = new Protocol.SensorBatch.NightMode[1];
        sensorBatch.nightMode[0] = new Protocol.SensorBatch.NightMode();
        sensorBatch.nightMode[0].isNight = true;

        // allocate reuqired size + 2 bytes for message type
        byte[] ba = new byte[sensorBatch.getSerializedSize() + 2];
        // Add message type header 'Sensor event'
        ba[0] = (byte) 0x80;
        ba[1] = 0x03;
        // serialize object into byte array
        MessageNano.toByteArray(sensorBatch, ba, 2, sensorBatch.getSerializedSize());

Result: 80 03 52 02 08 01 where 52 02 08 01 is the message. You can find more details about format: https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/encoding

To recreate location data message:

        Protocol.SensorBatch sensorBatch = new Protocol.SensorBatch();
        sensorBatch.locationData = new Protocol.SensorBatch.LocationData[1];
        sensorBatch.locationData[0] = new Protocol.SensorBatch.LocationData();
        sensorBatch.locationData[0].timestamp = ...
        sensorBatch.locationData[0].latitude = ...
        sensorBatch.locationData[0].longitude = ...
        sensorBatch.locationData[0].accuracy = ...
        sensorBatch.locationData[0].speed = ...
        sensorBatch.locationData[0].bearing = ...

        byte[] ba = new byte[sensorBatch.getSerializedSize() + 2];
        // Add message type header 'Sensor event'
        ba[0] = (byte) 0x80;
        ba[1] = 0x03;
        MessageNano.toByteArray(sensorBatch, ba, 2, sensorBatch.getSerializedSize());

anod avatar Nov 29 '16 13:11 anod

@anod - You're a legend, inserted a location successfully, based on your protobuf now I need to fully implement it into the code, rather than converting it on the command line. This is huge (and great), it means we can offload all the GPS to the headunit (tablet) and rely on the external GPS antenna of the headunit rather than the small built in GPS of the phone, beside if we offload the GPS that should reduce power needed by phone, meaning it can charger slightly better when plugged in.

borconi avatar Nov 29 '16 17:11 borconi

Also, some additions about location data:

latitude, longtitude seem to be multiplied by 1e7 and then converted to int. Accuracy is multiplied by 1e3, altitude 1e2, speed 1e3 and bearing 1e6. This is probably because all those payloads are ints in protocol, but have decimals in actual data.

izacus avatar Dec 03 '16 15:12 izacus

So, basically, if decimal latitude from GPS is 46.0552778, the actual number encoded into message should be 460552778 . If current speed is 112.12 km/h, the number sent should be 112120, etc. etc.

izacus avatar Dec 03 '16 15:12 izacus

Yes that's correct, I already got it working from Android.

P.s. set the bearing and speed to 0 ignoring the real value and you will have access to unlimited browsing all the time.

Kind regards. Emil Borconi-Szedressy Sent from my mobile

On 3 Dec 2016 3:16 p.m., "Jernej Virag" [email protected] wrote:

So, basically, if decimal latitude from GPS is 46.0552778, the actual number encoded into message should be 460552778. If current speed is 112.12 km/h, the number sent should be 112120, etc. etc.

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borconi avatar Dec 03 '16 15:12 borconi

Also, NanoPB http://koti.kapsi.fi/~jpa/nanopb/ seems to be a simpler more lightweight option for a C PB lib :)

izacus avatar Dec 03 '16 20:12 izacus

Ah too late though :) already converted it to use the standard one as a test:


Haven't tried on my car yet, and too big a change to be a serious pull request but it's there if anyone's interested. The ubuntu version works at least and the mazda one compiles.

lmagder avatar Dec 03 '16 20:12 lmagder

Ahh, nice, the proto definitions make code significantly more bareable :D

izacus avatar Dec 03 '16 20:12 izacus

Yeah, hopefully it will be easy to integrate the other fixes you guys discovered while I was doing this. Just tried in my car and it runs! I was worried the C++ conversion would add runtime requirements, but it seems using static libc++ avoids this. Audio broke for some reason but not mic, everything else works. Time to start debugging... :) The audio issue was intermittent before on 0.94 and was usually fixed by rebooting the CMU, so maybe not related.

lmagder avatar Dec 03 '16 21:12 lmagder

Ok false alarm. The audio actually works. I just had the phone connected to the car through Bluetooth audio by accident so it was routing the audio through there. So I would say the code at https://github.com/lmagder/headunit/tree/protobuf-refactor has the same functionality as 0.94 currently.

lmagder avatar Dec 03 '16 23:12 lmagder

Thanks to @anod here is a quite complex protobuf with some additional info included. Going to post here when more is decoded. Most of the Sensors are not operational yet, but as I have time I will add more here so on the day AA releases the version which supports all this sensors we can quickly implement it.

syntax = "proto2";

package HU;

enum MessageTypeControl
};                                                                                                                           // If video data, put on queue

enum MessageTypeMedia
    MSG_TYPE_ACK = 0x8004;

enum MessageTypeSensor

enum MessageTypeInput

enum MessageStatus
    STATUS_OK = 0;

message Key
    required uint32 keycode = 1;
    required bool down = 2;
    required uint32 metastate = 3;
    required bool longpress = 4;

message KeyEvent
    repeated Key keys = 1;

message TouchEvent
    enum PointerAction
        RELEASE = 0;
        PRESS = 1;
        DRAG = 2;
        // 0x6
    message Pointer
        optional uint32 x = 1;
        optional uint32 y = 2;
        optional uint32 pointer_id = 3;
    repeated Pointer pointer_data = 1;
    optional uint32 action_index = 2;
    optional PointerAction action = 3;

message InputReport
    optional uint64 timestamp = 1;
    optional int32 disp_channel_id = 2;
    optional TouchEvent touch_event = 3;
    optional KeyEvent key_event = 4;
//    optional AbsoluteEvent absolute_event = 5;
//    optional RelativeEvent relative_event = 6;
//    optional TouchEvent touchpad_event = 7;

message KeyBindingRequest
    repeated int32 keycodes = 1;

message BindingResponse
    required MessageStatus status = 1;

enum SensorType

message SensorBatch
    message LocationData
        optional uint64 timestamp = 1;
        optional int32 latitude = 2;
        optional int32 longitude = 3;
        optional uint32 accuracy = 4;
        optional int32 altitude = 5;
        optional int32 speed = 6;
        optional int32 bearing = 7;
    message NightMode
        required bool is_night = 1;
	message RPM
		required int32 rpm = 1;
	message FuelLevel
        required int32 fuellevel = 1;
        optional int32 range = 2;
        optional bool lowfuel = 3;
    message DrivingStatus
        enum Status
            DRIVING_STATUS_PARKED = 0;
        required int32 status = 1;
	message DeadReckoning
		optional int32 steering_angel = 1;
		optional int32 wheel_speed = 2;

    repeated LocationData location_data = 1;
    //repeated CompassData compass_data = 2;
    //repeated Speed = 3;
    repeated RPM rpm = 4;
    //repeated Odometer = 5;
    repeated FuelLevel fuel_data = 6;
    //repeated ParkingBreak = 7;
    //repeated GearData = 8;
    //repeated Diagnostics = 9;
    repeated NightMode night_mode = 10;
    //repeated Environment = 11;
    //repeated HVAC = 12;
    repeated DrivingStatus driving_status = 13;
    repeated DeadReckoning dead_reckoning = 14;
    //repeated Passenger = 15;
    //repeated Door = 16;
    //repeated Light = 17;
    //repeated Tire = 18;
    //repeated Accel = 19;
    //repeated Gyro = 20;
    //repeated GPS = 21;

enum AudioStreamType

enum MediaCodecType

message AudioConfiguration
    optional uint32 sample_rate = 1;
    required uint32 number_of_bits = 2;
    required uint32 number_of_channels = 3;

message Service
    optional uint32 id = 1;
    message SensorSourceService
        message Sensor
            required SensorType type = 1;
        repeated Sensor sensors = 1;
    optional SensorSourceService sensor_source_service = 2;

    message MediaSinkService
        optional MediaCodecType available_type = 1;
        optional AudioStreamType audio_type = 2;
        repeated AudioConfiguration audio_configs = 3;

        message VideoConfiguration
            enum VideoCodecResolutionType
                VIDEO_RESOLUTION_800x480 = 1;
                VIDEO_RESOLUTION_1280x720 = 2;
                VIDEO_RESOLUTION_1920x1080 = 3;

            enum VideoFrameRateType
                VIDEO_FPS_30 = 1;
                VIDEO_FPS_60 = 2;
            required VideoCodecResolutionType codec_resolution = 1;
            required VideoFrameRateType frame_rate = 2;
            required uint32 margin_width = 3;
            required uint32 margin_height = 4;
            required uint32 density = 5;
            optional uint32 decoder_additional_depth = 6;
        repeated VideoConfiguration video_configs = 4;
        optional bool available_while_in_call = 5;
    optional MediaSinkService media_sink_service = 3;

    message InputSourceService
        message TouchConfig
            required uint32 width = 1;
            required uint32 height = 2;
        repeated uint32 keycodes_supported = 1;
        optional TouchConfig touchscreen = 2;
        optional TouchConfig touchpad = 3;

    optional InputSourceService input_source_service = 4;

    message MediaSourceService
        required MediaCodecType type = 1;
        required AudioConfiguration audio_config = 2;
        optional bool available_while_in_call = 3;

    optional MediaSourceService media_source_service = 5;

    message BluetoothService {
        enum BluetoothPairingMethod
            BLUETOOTH_PARING_METHOD_1 = 1;
            BLUETOOTH_PARING_METHOD_2 = 2;
            BLUETOOTH_PARING_METHOD_3 = 3;
            BLUETOOTH_PARING_METHOD_4 = 4;
        required string car_address = 1;
        repeated BluetoothPairingMethod supported_pairing_methods = 2;
    optional BluetoothService bluetooth_service = 6;

    message NavigationStatusService {
        message ImageOptions
            required int32 width = 1;
            required int32 height = 2;
            required int32 colour_deth_bits = 3;

        required uint32 minimum_interval_ms = 1;
        required uint32 type = 2;
        optional ImageOptions image_options = 3;
    optional NavigationStatusService navigation_status_service = 8;

    //radio_service = 7
    //media_playback_service == 9
    //phone_status_service = 10

message ServiceDiscoveryRequest
    optional string phone_name = 4;

message ServiceDiscoveryResponse
    repeated Service services = 1;
    optional string make = 2;
    optional string model = 3;
    optional string year = 4;
    optional string vehicle_id = 5;
    optional bool driver_position = 6;
    optional string head_unit_make = 7;
    optional string head_unit_model = 8;
    optional string head_unit_software_build = 9;
    optional string head_unit_software_version = 10;
    optional bool can_play_native_media_during_vr = 11;
    optional bool hide_projected_clock = 12;

message ChannelOpenRequest
    optional int32 priority = 1;
    optional int32 service_id = 2;

message ChannelOpenResponse
    required MessageStatus status = 1;

message PingRequest
    optional int64 timestamp = 1;
    optional int32 bug_report = 2;

message PingResponse
    optional int64 timestamp = 1;

message ByeByeRequest
    enum ByeByeReason
        REASON_QUIT = 1;
    optional ByeByeReason reason = 1;

message MediaSetupRequest
    optional uint32 type = 1; //Enum?

message Config
    enum ConfigStatus
        CONFIG_STATUS_1 = 1;
        CONFIG_STATUS_2 = 2;
    required ConfigStatus status = 1;
    required uint32 max_unacked = 2;
    repeated uint32 configuration_indices = 3;

message Start
    optional int32 session_id = 1;
    optional uint32 configuration_index = 2;

message Ack
    optional int32 session_id = 1;
    optional uint32 ack = 2;

message MicrophoneRequest
    required bool open = 1;
    optional bool anc_enabled = 2;
    optional bool ec_enabled = 3;
    required int32 max_unacked = 4;

message MicrophoneResponse
    optional int32 status = 1;
    optional uint32 session_id = 2;

enum VideoFocusMode

message VideoFocusRequestNotification
    enum VideoFocusReason
        VIDEO_FOCUS_REASON_1 = 1;
        VIDEO_FOCUS_REASON_2 = 2;

    optional int32 disp_channel_id = 1;
    optional VideoFocusMode mode = 2; //Enum?
    optional VideoFocusReason reason = 3; //Enum?

message VideoFocusNotification
    optional VideoFocusMode mode = 1;
    optional bool unsolicited = 2;

message SensorRequest
    optional SensorType type = 1;
    optional int64 min_update_period = 2;

message SensorResponse
    required MessageStatus status = 1;

enum NavFocusType
    NAV_FOCUS_1 = 1;
    NAV_FOCUS_2 = 2;

message NavFocusRequestNotification
    optional NavFocusType focus_type = 1;

message NavFocusNotification
    optional NavFocusType focus_type = 1;

message VoiceSessionNotification
    enum VoiceSessionStatus
        VOICE_STATUS_STOP = 2;
    optional VoiceSessionStatus status = 1;

message AudioFocusRequestNotification
    enum AudioFocusRequestType
        AUDIO_FOCUS_GAIN = 1;
    optional AudioFocusRequestType request = 1;

message AudioFocusNotification
    enum AudioFocusStateType
    optional AudioFocusStateType focus_state = 1;
    optional bool unsolicited = 2;

borconi avatar Dec 04 '16 12:12 borconi

@lmagder can you do a quick test on your branch? Set all input (audio) and the video channel property "available_in_call" to "false" and try if phone calls still get kicked back to the phone?

izacus avatar Dec 04 '16 17:12 izacus

@izacus sure, I will try and report back. If you want to mess with it my branch should be self-contained to build too if you get the submodules also.

@borconi awesome! Thanks. Looks like we picked different names for some the same fields. Was bound to happen, but slight difficult to merge :)

lmagder avatar Dec 04 '16 20:12 lmagder

It's not my merit, it's @anod who did 95% of the work, I just completed a few more after he gave me a hint on how to get them, so the credit belongs to him not to me.

Kind regards. Emil Borconi-Szedressy Sent from my mobile

On 4 Dec 2016 8:55 p.m., "Lucas Magder" [email protected] wrote:

@izacus https://github.com/izacus sure, I will try and report back. If you want to mess with it my branch should be self-contained to build too if you get the submodules also.

@borconi https://github.com/borconi awesome! Thanks. Looks like we picked different names for some the same fields. Was bound to happen, but slight difficult to merge :)

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borconi avatar Dec 04 '16 21:12 borconi

@lmagder hmm, your build refuses to recognise my Pixel XL on USB, kinda just dies with "MISMATCH".

Got gdk_screen_get_monitor_scale_factor() == 2.000000
iusb_vendor_get vendor: 0x05ac  device: 0x226e4f0 
iusb_vendor_get vendor: 0x18d1  device: 0x226c070 
iusb_vendor_get vendor: 0x1d6b  device: 0x226bf90 
iusb_vendor_get vendor: 0x05ac  device: 0x226d610 
iusb_vendor_get vendor: 0x0a5c  device: 0x226d160 
iusb_vendor_get vendor: 0x05ac  device: 0x226c2d0 
iusb_vendor_get vendor: 0x1d6b  device: 0x226c1f0 
Device found iusb_best_vendor: 0x18d1  iusb_best_device: 0x226c070  iusb_best_man: ""  iusb_best_pro: "" 
20:04:09 2016 W: hu_usb:: MISMATCH Done endpoint search iusb_ep_in: 0x81  iusb_ep_out: 0x01  ep_in_addr: 0xfe  ep_out_addr: 0xfe
SHAI1 iusb_best_product id 20194 
20:04:09 2016 E: hu_usb:: Done dir: recv  len: 4  bytes_xfrd: 0 usb_err: -4 (LIBUSB_ERROR_NO_DEVICE)  errno: 0 (Success)
20:04:09 2016 E: hu_aap:: ihu_tra_recv() error so stop Transport & AAP  ret: -1
20:04:09 2016 E: hu_usb:: Done libusb_release_interface usb_err: -4 (LIBUSB_ERROR_NO_DEVICE)
20:04:09 2016 E: hu_aap:: Recv have_len: -1
Phone switched to accessory mode. Attempting once more.
iusb_vendor_get vendor: 0x05ac  device: 0x226d980 
iusb_vendor_get vendor: 0x18d1  device: 0x226d3b0 
iusb_vendor_get vendor: 0x1d6b  device: 0x226dc30 
iusb_vendor_get vendor: 0x05ac  device: 0x226d2f0 
iusb_vendor_get vendor: 0x0a5c  device: 0x226c930 
iusb_vendor_get vendor: 0x05ac  device: 0x226c870 
iusb_vendor_get vendor: 0x1d6b  device: 0x226c7b0 
Device found iusb_best_vendor: 0x18d1  iusb_best_device: 0x226d3b0  iusb_best_man: ""  iusb_best_pro: "" 
20:04:10 2016 W: hu_usb:: MISMATCH Done endpoint search iusb_ep_in: 0x81  iusb_ep_out: 0x02  ep_in_addr: 0xfe  ep_out_addr: 0xfe
SHAI1 iusb_best_product id 11521 
20:04:10 2016 E: hu_usb:: Done dir: recv  len: 4  bytes_xfrd: 0 usb_err: -1 (LIBUSB_ERROR_IO)  errno: 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable)
20:04:10 2016 E: hu_aap:: ihu_tra_recv() error so stop Transport & AAP  ret: -1
20:04:11 2016 E: hu_aap:: Recv have_len: -1
STATUS:Phone switched to accessory mode. Restart to enter AA mode.

What were the changes there? (Also code doesn't compile without NDEBUG at all, which makes debugging now extremely hard.)

(Whatever it is, it was broken in https://github.com/lmagder/headunit/commit/adef161840fa545e42417ba9d23fbcca4290271a?diff=unified )

izacus avatar Dec 09 '16 18:12 izacus

Argh, sorry, you might want to try this branch https://github.com/lmagder/headunit/tree/protobuf-refactor it's strictly 0.94 with the protobuf changes. My main branch has a bunch of refactoring I'm not done yet so might be kind broken. It works on my PC with a 6P, but on my laptop I get the same MISMATCH error as you so at least I can debug.

lmagder avatar Dec 10 '16 08:12 lmagder

Also you are right I broke NDEBUG, but I think you can turn on the logging ints in the hu_uti.cpp file and it will print. Sorry it's kind of rough.

lmagder avatar Dec 10 '16 08:12 lmagder

Yeah, no problem, just wanted to rebase my sensors stuff so we don't duplicate work :) The issue seems to be in bulk transfer code, for some reason the first RECV fails.

I'll just grab the protobuf branch as the base.

izacus avatar Dec 10 '16 08:12 izacus