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Appium in multi screen
Hi, Thanks for your information about appium. I want to ask you something. Lets say I have 2 screens, Login Screen and Home Screen. Login Screen will loaded first then Home Screen In Login screen I have accessibilityLabel fieldEmail and buttonLogin. In Home Screen I have accessibilityLabel buttonHome. How to tell appium, we need access buttonHome when Home Screen loaded?
This is my code
/* eslint-disable no-undef */
import wd from 'wd'
const PORT = 4723
const config = {
platformName: 'Android',
deviceName: 'Pixel 3a XL API 29',
app: '/Users/gandahalojasa/Documents/Project/Learn/Appium_React_Native/android/app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk'
const driver = wd.promiseChainRemote('localhost', PORT)
beforeAll(async () => {
await driver.init(config)
await driver.sleep(4000)
}) // Sometime for the app to load
test('login screen test', async () => {
expect(await driver.hasElementByAccessibilityId('fieldEmail')).toBe(true)
await driver.elementByAccessibilityId('fieldEmail').type('[email protected]')
expect(await driver.hasElementByAccessibilityId('buttonLogin')).toBe(true)
const element = await driver.elementByAccessibilityId('buttonLogin')
expect(await driver.hasElementByAccessibilityId('notHere')).toBe(false)
test('home screen test', async () => {
expect(await driver.hasElementByAccessibilityId('buttonHome')).toBe(true)
const element = await driver.elementByAccessibilityId('buttonHome')
Hi, Thanks for your information about appium. I want to ask you something. Lets say I have 2 screens, Login Screen and Home Screen. Login Screen will loaded first then Home Screen In Login screen I have accessibilityLabel fieldEmail and buttonLogin. In Home Screen I have accessibilityLabel buttonHome. How to tell appium, we need access buttonHome when Home Screen loaded?
This is my code
/* eslint-disable no-undef */ import wd from 'wd' jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 60000 const PORT = 4723 const config = { platformName: 'Android', deviceName: 'Pixel 3a XL API 29', app: '/Users/gandahalojasa/Documents/Project/Learn/Appium_React_Native/android/app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk' } const driver = wd.promiseChainRemote('localhost', PORT) beforeAll(async () => { await driver.init(config) await driver.sleep(4000) }) // Sometime for the app to load test('login screen test', async () => { expect(await driver.hasElementByAccessibilityId('fieldEmail')).toBe(true) await driver.elementByAccessibilityId('fieldEmail').type('[email protected]') expect(await driver.hasElementByAccessibilityId('buttonLogin')).toBe(true) const element = await driver.elementByAccessibilityId('buttonLogin') await expect(await driver.hasElementByAccessibilityId('notHere')).toBe(false) }) test('home screen test', async () => { expect(await driver.hasElementByAccessibilityId('buttonHome')).toBe(true) const element = await driver.elementByAccessibilityId('buttonHome') await })
Did you run this code in ios?
Hi, Thanks for your information about appium. I want to ask you something. Lets say I have 2 screens, Login Screen and Home Screen. Login Screen will loaded first then Home Screen In Login screen I have accessibilityLabel fieldEmail and buttonLogin. In Home Screen I have accessibilityLabel buttonHome. How to tell appium, we need access buttonHome when Home Screen loaded? This is my code
/* eslint-disable no-undef */ import wd from 'wd' jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 60000 const PORT = 4723 const config = { platformName: 'Android', deviceName: 'Pixel 3a XL API 29', app: '/Users/gandahalojasa/Documents/Project/Learn/Appium_React_Native/android/app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk' } const driver = wd.promiseChainRemote('localhost', PORT) beforeAll(async () => { await driver.init(config) await driver.sleep(4000) }) // Sometime for the app to load test('login screen test', async () => { expect(await driver.hasElementByAccessibilityId('fieldEmail')).toBe(true) await driver.elementByAccessibilityId('fieldEmail').type('[email protected]') expect(await driver.hasElementByAccessibilityId('buttonLogin')).toBe(true) const element = await driver.elementByAccessibilityId('buttonLogin') await expect(await driver.hasElementByAccessibilityId('notHere')).toBe(false) }) test('home screen test', async () => { expect(await driver.hasElementByAccessibilityId('buttonHome')).toBe(true) const element = await driver.elementByAccessibilityId('buttonHome') await })
Did you run this code in ios?
in run this code on android emulator