Clemens Schneider
Clemens Schneider
Also want this feature. :)
How does excel know when to show 4.9 or 4.90000000000000000000004?
> Did you check whether the MD5 matches (see `planet-210524.osm.bz2.md5`)? Yes, did match.
I have used 7-zip file manager version 19 under windows 10 x64. I will try another decompressor. Thanks for investigating so far.
This time I tried to uncompress with another tool ( but same result. Any more guesses?
Did a 2 cycle memory check. No faulty memory found. Yes I decompressed the whole file. Decompressing again and then run MD5sum on it. Results I will report in some...
Size: 1.542.302.591.588 Bytes MD5 now running...
MD5 checksum: dfdff2778d0dfad6569ecc2b3613fbb4
Thanks for all your tips. Even with bzip2 under cygwin I got wrong MD5 checksum. Maybe a very low level bug or file system bug. Now I try doing on...
Yes, issue can be closed. The tool which calculated the checksum after decompression was wrong. I did a mistake in my parsing method. In the xml file there are relations...