diverged icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
diverged copied to clipboard

Compare UI screenshots with Longest Common Subsequence algorithm.


Compare UI screenshots with document flow detection.

Install the demo

Option 1

npm install diverged

Option 2

Clone the root and cd in there and...

npm install


In node, usage looks like this. See /demo/index.js...

'use strict';

const REF_PATH = '../fixtures/pricing/320_ref.png';
const TEST_PATH = '../fixtures/pricing/320_test.png';
const OUTPUT_PATH = `../results/${new Date().getTime()}.png`

const diverged = require('../src/diverged-node')
const result = diverged(REF_PATH, TEST_PATH, OUTPUT_PATH);

In the browser take a look at /demo/index.html

Run the jewels

from the diverged root directory

Node demo

npm run node_demo

...then check the ./results directory.

Browser demo

npm run serve

...then open