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New style for USENIX and ACM
Are you interested in adding styles for conferences such as USENIX and ACM? I have created those styles and can push. For example:
# Matplotlib style for IEEE plots
# This style should work for most two-column journals
# Set color cycle
# Set line style as well for black and white graphs
axes.prop_cycle : (cycler('color', ['k', 'r', 'b', 'g']) + cycler('ls', ['-', '--', ':', '-.']))
# Set default figure size
figure.figsize : 3.49, 2.15
figure.dpi : 600
# Font sizes
axes.labelsize: 7
xtick.labelsize: 7
ytick.labelsize: 7
legend.fontsize: 7
font.size: 7
# Font Family sans-serif
font.sans-serif: Arial, Helvetica, Lucida Grande, Verdana, Geneva, Lucid, Avant Garde, sans-serif
# Set line widths
axes.linewidth : 0.5
grid.linewidth : 0.5
lines.linewidth : 1.
lines.markersize: 3
# Always save as 'tight'
savefig.bbox : tight
savefig.pad_inches : 0.01 # Use virtually all space when we specify figure dimensions
text.usetex : False
Note the figure size is made as big as possible and following the golden ratio. Example output: