@koppor `ghost` is how github names all deleted accounts lol.
@se7enge > Does anyone know of a workaround to remove shorts using something like uBlock? I use the below: `,instance.two,instance.three##.pure-u-md-1-4:has-text(/#shorts/i)` But hardly matters nowadays since more than half won't have...
Plenty of shorts on my subs have a length field. Former livestreams will also not have a length parameter at least till it's converted from hls to a regular format...
Holy shit, big if true.
~~Hmm, thinking ths whole situation better, the most likely scenario is that his account crendentials were compromised and 3rd party agents are using his account to spread malware~~ nevermind the...
Nevermind, I see a bunch of commits that were pushed now to GH with dates going back to 2020... what's going on?
Maybe Martin was on a very long sabbatical after leaving DiCE and going back to his UK homeland and living the good life, and now he got the 'bug' and...
IIRC, the many map entitities fixes bundled with vanilla quakespasm are already built into the engine during compile time.
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