https://github.com/centreon/centreon-plugins/pull/3941 New option --guess-speed
Yes i need objects results.
Could you show me object definition attributes ? Because there are some enum i think.
i don't need the doc. I use following commands to display enum: ``` [Enum]::GetValues('Microsoft.HyperV.Powershell.VMState') | Select-Object @{n="Name";e={$_}},@{n="Value";e={$_.value__}} | format-table -autosize ``` You need to replace ```Microsoft.HyperV.Powershell.VMState``` by enum attribute type.
Do you have a documentation with the protocol ?
It's not the protocol. It's in openssl: https://github.com/openssl/openssl/commit/a2d9cfbac5d87b03496d62079aef01c601193b58
You have the detailed information in the extended output (with verbose). If we put that in short output, it won't be short anymore ;) I need commands and output examples
Centreon logs uses the table ```centreon_storage.logs```. And in that table, we have only the short output. Maybe we should add an option in broker output to store the long output...
The endpoint ```/api/v1/report/compliance_summary_sla``` is available since version 5.2. It's a problem for older version. Moreover, we should use the endpoint ```/api/v1/report/compliance_summary``` (It's the same metric no ? We don't break...
Could you provide me (by email) an access to the API to test it and develop it ?