You don't have that error with connector 3.2.2 ? It's the host discovery ?
I have added custom attributes. Maybe it's not available on a ESXI: ``` my $customFields = {}; my $entries = centreon::vmware::common::get_view($self->{connector}, $self->{connector}->{session1}->get_service_content()->customFieldsManager); if (defined($entries->{field})) { foreach (@{$entries->{field}}) { $customFields->{ $_->{key}...
Could you patch your version 3.2.3 and test again ? https://github.com/centreon/centreon-vmware/pull/105/files
The problem should be on previous version also ? If you have that error, do you have a real issue ? or only a log.
The error comes from the sdk or the lwp library (too old maybe). Maybe you should try to update the perl sdk vmware.
You should try the sdk 6.7 or 7.0.
``` selon ma compréhension la méthode actuelle semble poser quelques problème : * EV ne semble pas marcher comme nous l'attendons, lors de mes tests la fonction io() de EV...
@bouda1 it could be a centreon-broker option. You could: - disable completely an output (it's stopped) - put in failover mode temporary (very useful in some migration).
@bouda1 it could be a centreon-broker option. You could: - disable completely an output (it's stopped) - put in failover mode temporary (very useful in some migration).
Issue #285 is quite different. It's not a duplicate.