it should be quite the same. its weird. I will close the PR because the plugin uses the internal api. I could create a mapping for api v1 but i'll...
What do you mean ? You have that kind of information in ```pool-status``` mode and ```node-status```
There is an snmp agent issue. Maybe you could use the new plugin stormshield with the API: https://github.com/centreon/centreon-plugins/archive/refs/heads/MON-15453-add-stormshield-api.zip ``` $ perl centreon_plugins.pl--plugin=network::stormshield::api::plugin --mode=interfaces --hostname= --api-username=xxx --api-password=yyy --verbose --statefile-dir=/tmp --add-status --add-traffic...
You can copy it and unzip in ```/tmp``` for example (to test it)
it's for you ? You can modify the status
To use the API instead of SNMP is ok for you ? I'm going to add a memory and HA mode (for stormshield API)
Indeed... sorry it's fixed!
@guillaumechardin I have added modes: 'ha' and 'memory'. You can test it if you download the archive (same link)
You can comment it if you still have the issue