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erlang-redis copied to clipboard

Try process all data in reply buffer before accepting new replies

Open climvalencia opened this issue 10 years ago • 0 comments

redis_client does not handle cases where the redis server sends a batch reply. Details to reproduce the problem below:

1> {ok, Conn} = redis:connect(). % connect to the redis server
2> sys:get_state(Conn). % confirm the state is clean
3> [ spawn(fun() -> io:format("~p~n", [redis:ping(Conn)]) end) || _ <- lists:seq(1,3) ]. % run 3 requests
4> sys:get_state(Conn). % state holds the last 2 replies in buffer
5> spawn(fun() -> io:format("~p~n", [redis:get(Conn, "some_key")]) end). % send a different request
6> sys:get_state(Conn). % state releases PONG number 2, and holds the reply for the GET request

redis_client should try to process all replies in its buffer before accepting new replies from the server.

climvalencia avatar Nov 07 '14 02:11 climvalencia