TG API 有限制,原来的时候把他设置成Panic了,最新修复版本 [v2.0.2-fix2](https://github.com/gaowanliang/LightUploader/releases/tag/v2.0.2-fix2) 直接忽略了API错误,此错误不影响主体功能,也不影响后续的发送,故直接屏蔽了
此功能已提上日程,因为目前有现成的[tdl](https://github.com/iyear/tdl),将根据程序的license: [AGPL-3.0](https://github.com/iyear/tdl/blob/master/LICENSE) 进行合理引入,但暂未规划引入时间
请仔细参阅其他issue来确定你的问题,例如 #15
duplicate #17
The link is not working, hopefully it will be updated again.
I mean, using my own `localtunnel-server` to connect, you know, the URL is random every time it starts up, and the official connection isn't always stable
Same problem, turn off MWB service and the screen sleeps normally.
For beta releases, major changes can be made at any time, which is certainly very difficult for Docker to deploy. The reason why there is no new update at the...
请仔细参阅其他issue来确定你的问题,例如 #15