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Ansible role for installing Java from Adoptium

Ansible Role: Java

Tests Ansible Galaxy License

Role to install the Java JDK.


  • Ansible Core >= 2.12

  • Linux Distribution

    • Debian Family

      • Debian

        • Buster (10)
        • Bullseye (11)
      • Ubuntu

        • Bionic (18.04)
        • Focal (20.04)
        • Jammy (22.04)
    • RedHat Family

      • Rocky Linux

        • 8
      • Fedora

        • 35
    • SUSE Family

      • openSUSE

        • 15.4
    • Note: other versions are likely to work but have not been tested.

Role Variables

The following variables will change the behavior of this role (default values are shown below):

# Java version number
# Specify '8', '11', '17' or '21' to get the latest patch version of that
# release.
java_version: '21.0.2+13'

# Base installation directory for any Java distribution
java_install_dir: '/opt/java'

# Directory to store files downloaded for Java installation on the remote box
java_download_dir: "{{ x_ansible_download_dir | default(ansible_env.HOME + '/.ansible/tmp/downloads') }}"

# Location Java installations packages can be found on the local box
# local packages will be uses in preference to downloading new packages.
java_local_archive_dir: '{{ playbook_dir }}/files'

# Wether to use installation packages in the local archive (if available)
java_use_local_archive: true

# If this is the default installation, profile scripts will be written to set
# the JAVA_HOME environment variable and add the bin directory to the PATH
# environment variable.
java_is_default_installation: true

# Name of the group of Ansible facts relating this Java installation.
# Override if you want use this role more than once to install multiple versions
# of Java.
# e.g. java_fact_group_name: java_8
# would change the Java home fact to:
# ansible_local.java_8.general.home
java_fact_group_name: java

# The SHA-256 for the JDK redistributable

# Mirror location for JDK download (e.g.

# File name for the JDK redistributable installation file

# Timeout for JDK download response in seconds
java_download_timeout_seconds: 600

# The timeout for the Adoptium API
java_api_timeout_seconds: 30

Example Playbooks

By default this role will install the latest LTS JDK version provided by Adoptium that has been tested and is known to work with this role:

- hosts: servers
    - role:

You can install a specific version of the JDK by specifying the java_version.

- hosts: servers
    - role:
      java_version: '8.0.402+6'

Note: with curl and jq you can view the available versions by running the following command:

for i in 21 17 11 8; do (curl --silent http \
  "$i,$(($i + 1)))\
&release_type=ga" | jq --raw-output '.releases[]' | sed -E 's/^jdk\-?//'); done

You can install the multiple versions of the JDK by using this role more than once:

- hosts: servers
    - role: ansible-role-java
      java_version: '8'
      java_is_default_installation: false
      java_fact_group_name: java_8

    - role: ansible-role-java
      java_version: '11'
      java_is_default_installation: true
      java_fact_group_name: java

To perform an offline install, you need to specify a bit more information (i.e. java_major_version, java_release_name, java_redis_filename and java_redis_sha256sum). E.g. to perform an offline install of 11.0.22+7:

# Before performing the offline install, download
# `OpenJDK11U-jdk_x64_linux_hotspot_11.0.22_7.tar.gz` to
# `{{ playbook_dir }}/files/` on the local machine.
- hosts: servers
    - role:
      java_major_version: '11'
      java_version: '11.0.22+7'
      java_release_name: 'jdk-11.0.22+7'
      java_redis_filename: 'OpenJDK11U-jdk_x64_linux_hotspot_11.0.22_7.tar.gz'
      java_redis_sha256sum: '25cf602cac350ef36067560a4e8042919f3be973d419eac4d839e2e0000b2cc8'

Role Facts

This role exports the following Ansible facts for use by other roles:


    • e.g. 8u402

    • e.g. /opt/java/jdk8u402

Overriding java_fact_group_name will change the names of the facts e.g.:

java_fact_group_name: java_8

Would change the name of the facts to:

  • ansible_local.java_8.general.version
  • ansible_local.java_8.general.home

More Roles From GantSign

You can find more roles from GantSign on Ansible Galaxy.

Development & Testing

This project uses the following tooling:

  • Molecule for orchestrating test scenarios
  • Testinfra for testing the changes on the remote
  • pytest the testing framework
  • Tox manages Python virtual environments for linting and testing
  • pip-tools for managing dependencies

A Visual Studio Code Dev Container is provided for developing and testing this role.



Author Information

John Freeman

GantSign Ltd. Company No. 06109112 (registered in England)