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JavaScript interview Questions

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The answer should be [2,'12',true] [2,'12',true] [2,0,false,'12', true] [2,0,false,'','12', true] In the question code snippet, containers is being modified before each filter operation. Kindly modify the code as following and...

How to replace callbackhell code with Promise or Async / Await in Javascript.

It will be better if you write the answer with the option. As you already do with other question answers. Here is a quick link https://github.com/ganqqwerty/123-Essential-JavaScript-Interview-Questions#functions Please find the attachment....

In 18th question: [link](https://github.com/ganqqwerty/123-Essential-JavaScript-Interview-Questions#question-18-in-which-case-the-function-definition-is-not-hoisted-in-javascript) explanation isn't clear.

In the Array topic, the answer to question2 is wrong. It should be 2 i.e ([] [undefined × 100] Array[5] 1)

Thank you so much for your list of helpful questions. Looking at https://github.com/ganqqwerty/123-Essential-JavaScript-Interview-Questions#7-what-would-be-the-output-of-following-code--2, I think the explanation would make more sense like this: ``` (function () { console.clear(); function getName1()...

Added new javascript question .

I believe the definition of a closure as "a function defined inside another function..." is not particularly correct. A closure is a function + lexical environment it's bound to. It...

Both compares return false. This is because in JavaScript we pass non primitive data types by reference. So, say: {id:1} == {id:1} // returns false even though is shallow compare,...