I am currently facing the following issue in the enrico_sed step after a successful gtlike step.
*** Preparing submission of fit into energy bins ***
Emin = 100.0 MeV Emax = 500000.0 MeV Nbins = 3
Debug: read energy bins: logE
Energy bins (before energy cuts): [1.00000000e+02 1.70997595e+03 2.92401774e+04 5.00000000e+05]
Energy bins (after energy cuts): [1.00000000e+02 1.70997595e+03 2.92401774e+04 5.00000000e+05]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/user/enrico/bin/enrico_sed", line 48, in
liste = np.genfromtxt(sys.argv[1],dtype="str",unpack=True)
File "/home/user/miniconda3/envs/fermi/lib/python3.9/site-packages/numpy/lib/npyio.py", line 2312, in genfromtxt
raise ValueError(errmsg)
ValueError: Some errors were detected !
Line #9 (got 1 columns instead of 3)
Line #20 (got 1 columns instead of 3)
Line #29 (got 1 columns instead of 3)
Line #38 (got 1 columns instead of 3)
Line #44 (got 1 columns instead of 3)
Line #50 (got 1 columns instead of 3)
Line #55 (got 1 columns instead of 3)
Line #74 (got 1 columns instead of 3)
Line #83 (got 1 columns instead of 3)
Line #89 (got 1 columns instead of 3)
Line #105 (got 1 columns instead of 3)
Line #119 (got 1 columns instead of 3)
Line #131 (got 1 columns instead of 3)
Line #153 (got 1 columns instead of 3)
Line #169 (got 1 columns instead of 3)
Line #177 (got 1 columns instead of 3)
Line #192 (got 1 columns instead of 3)
Line #208 (got 1 columns instead of 3)
Line #219 (got 1 columns instead of 3)
Line #225 (got 1 columns instead of 3)
Line #235 (got 1 columns instead of 3)
Line #239 (got 1 columns instead of 3)
Line #253 (got 1 columns instead of 3)
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/user/enrico/bin/enrico_sed", line 55, in
File "/home/user/enrico/bin/enrico_sed", line 13, in sed
File "/home/user/enrico/enrico/RunGTlike.py", line 276, in run
File "/home/user/enrico/enrico/energybin.py", line 220, in RunEbin
configfiles = PrepareEbin(Fit, FitRunner,sedresult)
File "/home/user/enrico/enrico/energybin.py", line 149, in PrepareEbin
Pref = utils.ApproxPref(Fit, ener, srcname)
File "/home/user/enrico/enrico/utils.py", line 239, in ApproxPref
Pref[ibin] = dNde(Eav,Fit,name)
File "/home/user/enrico/enrico/utils.py", line 49, in dNde
if Fit[pars.srcname].src.getType() == 'Point':
NameError: name 'pars' is not defined
Please help if you have any idea.