FastLogin copied to clipboard
AuthMe asks for password again after a repetitive switch from non-auth servers to auth-servers
What behaviour is observed:
When I connect to the Waterfall network, I'm auto-logged in the Hub server (as I'm a premium user), I go on another server in the same network (let's call it Creative server for convenience), I go back to the Hub server, then back to the creative server, then back to the Hub server. The 2nd time I get back to the Hub server it ALWAYS asks me to manually log in via Authme (/login password). The only solution seems to quit via ESC then rejoin the server.
I should mention that I have 2 hubs (auth servers), they are named: hub2 and hub3. I have only included the log for the hub3 server (that's where it happened to produce, but it does happen on both).
Also, I should mention that after the grace login period expires (60s in my case), the black background that Authme has goes away, and I can only move by jumping (I can't break/place blocks though) - this happens while the please login messages keep spamming in the chat.
What behaviour is expected:
It should always reconnect me as a premium, not to ask me for my password.
Steps/models to reproduce:
Just join the server as a premium, go to a sub-server (if you will), go back to the Auth server (in my case is the Hub), then back to the sub-server, then back to Auth server.
Screenshots (if applicable)
Plugin list:
For the hub (auth) server: HackedCore, icJukeBox, RemoveJoinLeaveMessage, WorldEdit, PlaceholderAPI, PacketListenerApi, WorldGuard, HamsterAPI, AdvancedHelp, MVdWPlaceholderAPI, VoidGenerator, ImageOnMap, DeluxeMenus, NoteBlockAPI, FeatherBoard, AntiDisconnectSpam, ExploitFixer, ViaVersion, EpicPluginLib, CustomJoinItems, JoinMusic, Vault, PlayMoreSounds, CustomSkinsManager, F3Name, Essentials, GroupManager, HackedServer, GadgetsMenu, ProtocolLib, Citizens, PocketGames, EssentialsProtect, EssentialsChat, EssentialsAntiBuild, EssentialsSpawn, AuthMe, HolographicDisplays, CitizensCMD, FastLogin
For waterfall: AdvancedBan, AuthMebungee,AWD,BungeeAnnounce,BungeeOnlineTime,BungeePing,BungeeStaff,CustomSkinsManager,CustomTabBungee,ExploitFixer,F3Name,FastLoginBungee,Geyser-Bungeecord,HackedServer,MoveMeNow,Protocolize,randomhub,ServerlistPlus,SkinsRestorer,Yamler-Bungee
Environment description
Mysql 5.7.32 latest I'm using Waterfall 1.16 #395 with 18 February FastloginBungee and Authme bungee 2.2.0-Snapshot For the Hub servers I use: git-PaperSpigot-"4c7641d" (MC: 1.8.8) (Implementing API version 1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) with AuthMe5.6.0-Snapshot
Plugin version or build number (don't write latest):
#967 for both Bungee and Spigot versions
Server Log:
Hastebin / Gist link of the error, stacktrace or the complete log (if any) Hub log: Waterfall log:
Hastebin / Gist link of your config.yml file
I've encountered this as well with just one hub server and another survival server. In one case it happened after shutting down the survival server. I was kicked back to the hub (for the first time since logging in). The command requesting login appeared but I was still able to interact with the hub.
I have AuthMeBungee on the proxy and AuthMe on the hub server only. Any ideas? Considering having a dedicated authentication lobby to work around this.