ChangeSkin copied to clipboard
Skin Change/Update - Username skin not working
What behaviour is observed:
Whenever a player tries to set its skin (both restoreSkins option and via command) using its own username in case there is a premium account using it (that's my case), it will work only the first time but after that, it won't work until you drop your db. However, the problem will be present again. There is no error log present.
What behaviour is expected:
The expected behaviour is the player to get it's skin updated/changed everytime the setskin command is executed or it joins again to the server (due to restoreSkins enabled).
Steps/models to reproduce:
- Install the plugin in both BungeeCord and Spigot using the same MySQL db
- Set your skin with your own username in case there is a premium account with that username
- The first time must have worked, so leave the server or just try using that command again
Plugin list:
Plugins (22): LuckPerms, WorldEdit, VotingPlugin, FairPlayMinecraft,PlaceholderAPI, Craftconomy3, FriendsAPIForPartyAndFriends, Spigot-Party-API-PAF, PartyAndFriendsGUI, ViaVersion, Vault, Votifier, ProtocolLib, WorldGuard, LibsDisguises, Citizens, Status-for-Party-and-Friends, UltraCosmetics, Clans-Spigot-Part, DeluxeMenus, GadgetsMenu, ChangeSkin
Environment description
BungeeCord BUILD 1274 (using RedisBungee) Spigot 1.8.8
Plugin version or build number (don't write latest):
Version 3.0 - DEV BUILD 37
Error Log:
No error log present
Extra data:
If I drop the db contents, it will work for once. But it won't work again until I drop the db contents again. And the cycle repeats.
Still not working on BUILD 38.
Sorry, I'm very busy at the moment. I'll try to fix it next weekend.
Any progress?
No but you could downgrade the plugin
Could you try it again please?
Now the command is working. But restoreSkins feature is still not working for me. Everytime I log in to the server I get this error (Bungee side). And the first time I executed the command I got this error (Bungee side). Using BungeeCord 1283.
Should I set restoreSkins only on BungeeCord or both BungeeCord and Spigot? I have set it true on both.
Could you please try again. I think I fixed both with the last commits.
Still the last errors I commented.
Could you post the bungee config of ChangeSkin again? It expired.
@games647 I have the same issue. When I type /skin RoiZy i get this skin:
but the newest skin looks that: ( )
@Feerko You have to invoke /skinupdate to get the newer skin. Old skins are always cached.
Can you add something like this? /setskin