ChangeSkin copied to clipboard
Task for ChangeSkin v3.1 generated an exception
What behaviour is observed:
Did not change the skin on command
Steps/models to reproduce:
Update to latest protocolib and run the /setskin command on a player
Plugin list:
protocollib 4.6.0-snapshot-b476
Environment description
Bungeecord and paper 1.16.1
Plugin version:
changeskin 3.1 snapshot-0d7ee09
Error Log:
For me it works using the specified Paper version. Do you have a plugin installed, which provides support for the 1.16.2 protocol?
Same exact error here, using: Paper version git-Paper-144 ProtocolLib version 4.6.0-SNAPSHOT-b478 ChangeSkin version 3.1-SNAPSHOT-0d7ee09
I guess the best thing to do is just rollback protocollib to a previous version for 1.16.1, this works fine on 1.16.2