ChangeSkin copied to clipboard
Bukkit end not saving preferences
What behaviour is observed:
Setting a skin with /setskin
What behaviour is expected:
For /setskin to change skins and save the desired skin
Steps/models to reproduce:
Join the Bungeecord server and be placed into one of the Spigot servers containing ChangeSkin. Then execute /setskin
Plugin list:
Environment description
Bungeecord, and only one of the spigot servers in the network use this plugin. The server version is 1.8, and the Bungeecord version is always within a week of the latest bungeecord release. The server is hosted on a dedicated machine, with a local MySQL instance. Server is also in Offline mode
Plugin version or build number (don't write latest or the build number with #):
Please try again with bukkit-permissions disabled. I think those two tickets are related....