gow copied to clipboard
Fairly simple new addition.
A new base Lutris image that borrows heavily from the Steam image as an example. Image installs the necessary wine and winetricks foundation, then installs the lutris package.
Utilises the common /home/retro/ volume for subsequent lutris installs.
This image does not include any wine helping functions outside of what Lutris can do through its UI. It's a pure Lutris install only.
@ABeltramo and I dug into the Epic Games issue a bit more and it looks like a Lutris bug that has been fixed. That led me to notice that this is actually installing the Lutris version from the standard Ubuntu repo, which is pretty old at this point ( I think it would be better to download a more up-to-date version from the GitHub page during the build process, so we can take advantage of new features without having to wait for them to make it into a new Ubuntu LTS release.
Lol I've just been doing this yesterday night and did not even realized someone tried it.
I added lutris repository for latest versions on my side. Wine is not detected and complain about freetype so maybe I'm just installing it wrong, gonna follow your method and add the repo too.
Here is what I used so far
# hadolint ignore=DL3006
ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
libfreetype6 wine64 steam lutris \
libvulkan1 libvulkan1:i386 \
mesa-vulkan-drivers mesa-vulkan-drivers:i386 \
libdbus-1-3 libgtk-3-0 libegl1 libsdl2-2.0-0 \
RUN apt-get update -y && \
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends wget software-properties-common && \
echo "deb https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/strycore/Debian_11/ ./" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lutris.list && \
wget -qO- https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/strycore/Debian_11/Release.key | tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/lutris.asc && \
# \
# Install steam (Steam is 32-bit only) \
dpkg --add-architecture i386 && \
add-apt-repository multiverse && \
apt-get update -y && \
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends $REQUIRED_PACKAGES && \
# \
# Cleanup \
apt-get remove -y software-properties-common && \
apt-get autoremove -y && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
COPY --chmod=777 scripts/startup.sh /opt/gow/startup-app.sh
ENV XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp/.X11-unix
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source $IMAGE_SOURCE
Lutris is a great aggregator (though not as complete as Playnite) but a console/TV screen would be better in the end, it would be good if the API code was separated from the GTK GUI on their side. I also was thinking about using Pegasus, but it seems in a relly alpha stage and is not compatible with jammy off the bat. I might end up trying using just Playnite on wine ? Last issue I ran into and that I think will still remain in any situation : Humble store needs a browser to connect. I might add epiphany to it ?
Ended up sharing it in another PR here : https://github.com/games-on-whales/gow/pull/115