The material list is showing missing materials, even when they have been placed. turns out that the part of the schematic was outside the render distance. it dynamically checks which...
When making a 2D pixelart in survival on a server, schematica fails to place blocks if theres a block below and you dont look at it. when theres no blocks...
cv1 has 2160x1200, not 2560x1440
i just tried to set up my server for tickrate 100, works fine. until i spawned a acf powered vehicle as soon as i hit the gas pedal, the gearboxes...
Ive had that happen a few times now, but now on the Z axis causing my bit to crash into the part while trying to set work offsets. Basically when...
The Interface (viewport) is very laggy when zoomed in. this only seems to happen on my desktop computer (8700k, 32gb ddr4, 980ti win 10 pro) but not on my tablet...
Hello i built my own design esc its got two leds on PC2 and PC3 and runs on a 16mhz crystal, aswell as a dedicated n-fet gate drive ic. after...
when downloading the crashes.asi, windows defender quarantines it, cant be copied or used. a few seconds later it gets deleted. the log says: Trojan:Win32/Occamy.CEC
i modifed the descriptors to give it 3 additional axes (slider, dial, wheel) and made them all 16bit including the two 8 bit z and rz axes. works fine on...
**How would you like it to work?** LimitedHinge/Revolute | A joint constraining the anchor point on body A to the target point on body B, where each body can rotate...