Rick Blommers
Rick Blommers
I guess this is nice to have in edbee... 😃 Improving I18n abilities
Thanks for your comment. I double checked the TextEditorController::updateStatusText. (This is probably the only place with real I18n in edbee.). It seems like QObject::tr is used correctly. It's true that...
You should create the FormatAllAction before the context menu is shown. And just add it to the QWidget (I think the key combination should work all the time. Even without...
I trying to figuring out how this should fit in edbee at the moment.. It would be nice to use the features of langserver. Implementing it looks like a lot...
No, I didn’t have the time for it… > Op 15 mrt. 2020, om 11:39 heeft Vadim Peretokin het volgende geschreven: > > > Did you have any luck with...
Thanks for sharing this. I will fix it... Though I don't think it will be a problem. The method isGroup should only return true if it's a ChangeGroup.
@brupelo Happy new year for you too. It's a side project I developed a time ago. It's still maintained, but not the main focus anymore (In the beginning it was...
@brupelo edbee has this undo/redo support you refer to in you video. (folding regions are not implemented)
I've once tried to build via QTextOption.. But I din't like the way it was rendered. The colors used are not like sublime uses them. But I guess it should...
Internally edbee uses QTextLayout (TextRenderer::textLayoutForLine) for generating QTextLayouts for rendering I've just experimented with the other QTextOptions (QTextOption::ShowLineAndParagraphSeparators, and QTextOption:: ShowDocumentTerminator) But QTextLayout doesn't render them. (Which I can understand....