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List of community wanted libraries


List of community wanted important libraries.

This repo is meant to be used as a list of the community wanted libraries, whether they are already started and need more hands to be improved / maintained, or if they have to be started from scratch. Working on having libraries to support the language is at least as important as the language itself and is a great way to get more familiar with the language.

The point is also to have a place for coders looking to contribute to Rust to find what is really needed.

(it's shamelessly inspired / copied from @brson rust links, the reason is mainly to have a community repository that evolves with time instead of a static page)

Feel free to add new projects / libraries via pull requests.

Looking for maintainer

Important libraries which could use more contributors

  • capnproto-rust : Cap'n'Proto implementation. Very high performance cross-process, cross-language messaging.
  • : An web-based editor and debugger, with Rust support. Potentially useful for newbies.
  • : Better command line argument parsing.
  • gfx-rs : Graphics stack.
  • gl-rs : OpenGL.
  • glfw-rs : GLFW handles window setup and input for games.
  • IntelliJ IDEA plugin : Text editor support is fundamental
  • Iron : Web stack. Significance: a pluggable middleware stack. Lets HTTP ecosystem evolve piecemeal.
  • Kiss3D : 3D game engine.
  • : Web framework.
  • libovr-rs : Rust bindings to the Occulus Rift.
  • nphysics : Rigid-body physics engine. Significance: gaming infrastructure.
  • Piston : User-friendly game engine.
  • Racer : Rust code completion. Tooling.
  • rust-bindgen : Automatically generate C bindings for Rust.
  • rust-chrono : Time library. Rust needs one.
  • rust-crypto : Pure-Rust crypto. Significance: crypto is an obvious domain for Rust.
  • rust-csv : A CSV parser with type based decoding for Rust.
  • rust-encoding : Character encoding. Significance: Rust currently lacks support for most non-utf8 encodings.
  • rust-lua : Significance: some types of apps are going to want to pair Rust with a scripting language. Lua is a good one.
  • rust-openssl : OpenSSL bindings.
  • rust-playpen : A web interface for running Rust code built using playpen.
  • rust-postgres : A mature native postgres driver.
  • rust-protobuf : Implementation of popular data transfer protocol.
  • RustPy : Interop between Rust and Python. Significance: embedding Rust in other stacks is one of Rust's major opportunities.
  • rust-rosetta : Code examples.
  • rustsqlite : Bindings to the best database ever.
  • rust-sdl2 : Bindings to SDL2. Popular game-oriented OS abstraction layer, like GLFW. Significance: popular with game programmers, Valve-supported.
  • Rust standard library in the main repository.
  • rust-url : Spec-correct URL handling, used by Servo.
  • rust-xml : XML. SAX-like. Significance: everybody needs a little XML.
  • RustyXML : XML. SAX-like. Significance: everybody needs a little XML.
  • suruga : TLS in Rust.
  • TeePee : HTTP implementation used by servo.
  • Tiny HTTP : HTTP implementation.
  • Turbine : LMAX Disruptor clone. Very high perf message passing. Significance: need more concurrency libs, prove Rust's suitability for parallel programming.
  • uutils : Reimplementation of GNU coreutils (command line utilities). Signifance: busybox-killer. Embedded market.
  • VisualRust : Visual Studio extension for Rust.
  • : 'The bare metal stack for Rust'. Makes Rust viable on embedded kits like Arduino, etc. Significance: lots of opportunity in embedded markets, 'Internet of Things', etc.

TODO from scratch

Note : this is hamelessly inspired/copied from @brson again (source)

Either a port or a binding of Reactivex*

significance : functionnal reactive programming is a programming paradigm with increasing popularity.


ECMA 402 is a standard for internationalization, dealing with the automatic conversion of various information based on locale. Rust's core libraries provide no internationalization. A core problem here will be determining how Rust should think about locales.


This may depend on the previous for locale support, if nothing else. This is largely about the human-assisted translation of strings. We would like to experiment with a new Moco-developed standard for this, called L20N. This project will be about figuring out how the L20N API can be adapted to Rust.

Unicode (ICU)

The exact path forward here may require a bit of discussion still, but I think the most viable approach starts with binding libicu and wrapping in a Rust API.


Our time crate is very minimal, and the API looks dated. This is a hard problem and JodaTime seems to be well regarded so let's just copy it.


We've previously made the decision not to distribute any crypto with Rust at all, but this is probably not tenable since crypto is used everywhere. My current opinion is that we should not distribute any crypto /written in Rust/, but that distributing bindings to proven crypto is fine.

Figure out a strategy here, build consensus, then start implementing a robust crypto library out of tree, with the goal of merging into the main distribution someday, and possibly - far in the future - reimplementing in Rust. There are some existing efforts along these lines that should be evaluated for this purpose.

There are a lot of people interested in, and working on, this subject, and crypto potentially interacts with many libraries (like HTTP) so coordination is needed.


Generic SQL bindings. I'm told SqlAlchemy core is a good system to learn from.