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Documentation generator for TypeScript Declaration Files inspired by godoc.


Documentation generator for TypeScript Declaration Files inspired by godoc.

This repo contains two packages:

  • typejuice: the JavaScript API library
  • vite-plugin-typejuice: the Vite plugin for it.

Hat tip to Guido D'Orsi for the name idea (vitepress, typejuice).

npm i typejuice --save


TypeScript Declaration Files have become a common addition to libraries, even those written in standard JavaScript, as a means of enhancing autocomplete behaviour of the exposed APIs.

There's a lot of overlap between documentation and these declaration files. This project attempts to bridge the gap by providing godoc-like comment extraction from .d.ts files while also inferring on types and signatures so you don't have to maintain the same information in two different places. It's a radically stripped down, minimalist analogue to typedoc.


Instead of using tags like @param, just have one function parameter per line

TypeScript Declaration File

declare class Client extends Dispatcher {
  // Extends: `undici.Dispatcher`
  // A basic HTTP/1.1 client, mapped on top a single TCP/TLS connection. Pipelining is disabled by default.
  // Requests are not guaranteed to be dispatched in order of invocation.
    // Should only include the **protocol, hostname, and port**.
    url: string | URL,
    options?: Client.Options

Generated Markdown


Multi-line comments on interface props

TypeScript Declaration File

declare namespace Client {
  export interface Options {
    // The timeout after which a request will time out, in milliseconds. 
    // Monitors time between receiving body data. Use `0` to disable it entirely.
    // Defaults to 30e3 (number), 30s in milliseconds
    bodyTimeout?: number | null;

    // The amount of time the parser will wait to receive the complete HTTP 
    // headers (Node 14 and above only). 
    // Defaults to 30e3 (number), 30s in milliseconds
    headersTimeout?: number | null;

Generated Markdown

Supported Syntax
  • Top-level function and class declarations
  • Single-file namespace declarations
  • Constructor declarations – Primitive types such as string, number, boolean
  • Primitive values such as null and undefined
  • Union Types
  • Intersection Types
  • Type Aliases
  • Utility Types
  • Element type arrays or generic array types (type[], Array<type>)

Basic Usage

import TypeJuice from 'typejuice'

const tj = new TypeJuice('./sample.d.ts')


Vite integration

In vite.config.js:

import { dirname } from 'path'
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'
import TypeJuice from 'vite-plugin-typejuice'

export default {
  plugins: [
      // Defaults to process.cwd()
      typeRoot: resolve(dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)), 'types'),
      // Defaults to only 'md'
      extensions: ['md'],

In your Markdown files:

<<< typejuice:client.d.ts

This will insert the autogenerated markdown for client.d.ts under typeRoot.


Sponsored by NearForm.
