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Functional Javascript Library
Functionnal JavaScript
Functional-JavaScript is a general purpose library targeting functional programming in JS.
npm install functional-javascript
And in your script:
var fjs = require('functional-javascript');
You can find the documentation page here. And the NPM page here. Also, a browser version can be found here.
What is Functional-JavaScript
- General purpose functions (eq, clone, keys, values, ...)
- Iteration functions (map, mapkv, reduce, reducer, reducekv, filter, some, every, takeWhile, dropWhile, ...)
- Functions manipulation (comp, partial, curry, juxt, call, callWith, apply, applyWith, ...)
- Variadic operator functions (deq, teq, gt, lt, gte, lte, or, and, xor, isa, ...)
- Manipulation and access functions (cons, conj, merge, assoc, get, first, second, last, butfirst, butlast, ...)
- Type checking (isArray, isArrayLike, areArguments, isFalse, isTrue, isNull, isUndefined, isObject, isString, ...)
- Variadic operation functions (add, mul, div, sub)
Functional-JavaScript has already been tested in browser, but proper node js tests are being written.