Hi, @smidm We haven't got confirmation from your end so now I'm closing this issue and I'll keep this issue open for further update regarding to add a link...
Hi, @expolli I apologize for the delayed response and thank you for bringing this issue to our attention, could you please give it try with these Expo versions [47.0.14]( and...
Hi, @croraf I apologize for the delayed response and you're absolutely right. The final layer in your model `(tf.layers.dense({ units: 10, activation: 'softmax' }))` is configured correctly to output probabilities...
Hi, @croraf I apologize for the delayed response, could you please try something like below and see is it working as expected or not? if not please help me with...
Hi, @scha-ch Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention and could you please help me with code-snippet/codepen-example or Github repo with steps to replicate the same issue from...
Hi, @scha-ch Thank you for sharing the Github repo link to replicate the same issue from my end and I tried to replicate the same issue from my end and...
Hi, @zachlipp Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention and I was trying to replicate the same issue from my end also and I'm also getting same results...
Hi, @jackbdu, @lindapaiste We sincerely apologize for the delay in our response and thank you for bringing this issue to our attention, I tried [face-landmarks-detection MediaPipe demo]( and it seems...
Hi, @StratosGiak I apologize for the delayed response and thank you for bringing this issue to our attention, if possible could you please help us with your Github repo along...
Hi @mattsoulanille, I apologize for the delayed response. I have now created three separate PRs,, to fix typos in the documentation strings of the **tfjs-layers, tfjs-node, and...