My private registry also act as a mirror. And I ran into the same situation, showing `{"errors":[{"code":"UNKNOWN","message":"unknown error","detail":{}}]}`. But I think the problem is that the UI saw all the...
1. 将翻译源作为缓存key的一部分,是否可以解决命中率的问题? 2. 主要是想比较多个翻译源的结果,特别是长句翻译,不同的翻译源还是有些差别的。 3. 现在的翻译结果是以悬浮窗的形式展示的,鼠标移开就没有了。能不能锁定悬浮框,或者干脆直接放在独立的一个Panel里让它一直显示? 4. 我参考试试看。
Thanks for your quick response and patience introduction. Some Gitbook based online books was generated by [bookdown]( It might require installing related packages and other extra effort to build which...
I figured it out myself. Remove the following codes from stylesheet, then everything works perfectly. ```css h1, h2 { text-align: center; page-break-before: always; margin-bottom: 10%; margin-top: 10%; } h3, h4,...