I couldn't find better place to ask, but why EOS Token Smart Contract implements `symbol` attribute as `bytes32` ( meanwhile ERC20 says it should be `string` ( ?
Do we really need `gethrpc` crate in SputnikVM ? If don't we should put into separate project, maybe inside `etcommon-rs` If similar functionality used in `emerald-rs` consider putting it into...
Latest release has broken our build process. node -v v8.15.0 node-gyp -v v3.8.0 ``` An unhandled error occurred inside electron-rebuild Building the projects in this solution one at a time....
We have to add maximum fee constraint to protect users from mistakes.
Ugly thing, there is no reason to use it.
User needs ability to remove ERC20 token from vault. It require to fix emerald-rs
As a user I expect something like: ``` emerald account new --base-path=./ --chain=eth ```
Have concern about this proposal. Many projects support ETC only because it is easy to integrate using well-known libs (web3j, web3.js, etc). Changing API only for changing doesn't bring any...